CUIB graduates 197 – Signs MoU with Source du Pays

By Ikome Christie-NoellaEposi in Buea

Some 197 graduates; 12 from the Master of Business Administration (MBA), 121 from the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) and 64 Higher National Diploma (HND) on Friday, December 16, 2022 pledged to be good ambassadors of the Catholic University Institute of Buea as they go out into the job market.

The graduates took the commitment during the 9thCommencement ceremony for the award of degrees and diplomas, an event which took place at the Buea campus and was presided over by the Chancellor/ Pro-Chancellor of CUIB, His Lordship Bishop Michael Bibi.

In his introductory remarks, the President of the Institution, Prof. Victor Julius Ngoh termed the gradating batch as the ‘resilient batch’. “They are called the resilient batch because they were admitted in 2018 in the heat of the crisis and went through their studies under difficult conditions”, President Ngoh explained.

He urged the graduates to protect the institution’s image and to uphold the values and norms established by the University. The students received degrees and diplomats after being found worthy in character and learning.

While congratulating the graduates for their courage and resilience, Prof. Ngoh also thanked the parents as well as the staff for CUIB for contributing greatly to the success of the students. He noted that the online and on-site teaching helped the students sail through amidst the challenges.

“It has not been easy because the CUIB faculty and staff as well as students had to walk an extra mile to accomplish the mission and the vision of the institution. We had problems such as shortages of classrooms but as at now we are currently putting up a structure to serve as classrooms and offices. It is our wish by the end of March 2023, the issue of classroom space and offices should be resolved” President Ngoh noted.

CUIB sends out 197 Graduates into the job market at 9th Commencement Ceremony

The Chancellor/Pro-Chancellor of the institution, Bishop Michael Bibi applauded the graduates for their hard work, determination and perseverance. He noted that despite the difficult times they burnt the midnight candle, braved all odds, worked hard and have won the race.

“I am confident to say you are servant leaders with moral and spiritual values and it is our prayers and wish that you uphold the standards of CUIB and may you be the light that darkness cannot overpower. You shall glow like the star that led the three wise men to Jesus and you will lead many people to success”, he told the graduates.

He, however, reminded the graduates that the end of this journey is the beginning of another journey. “Use your opportunities wisely and turn the challenges into stepping stones for greater heights. It is not going to be a bed of roses but you must remember who you are. You are entrepreneurs”

The Chancellor/ Pro-Chancellor urged the graduates to be on their guard, put God first in anything they do, be thankful always, keep in touch often with their entrepreneurship mentors and coaches and to build a strong network. “You are our ambassadors so you should continue to fly the flags of excellence”.

The Keynote Speaker, Prof. Amungwa Atanasius spoke on the catholic approach to education wherein he said everyone who has sufficient ability should have access to higher education no matter his/her social background. He added that a man who lacks religious formation is a man with educational deficiencies. University students should have special ideals that make them unique. CUIB students should follow Christ who is the way, the truth and the life”, he noted.

According to Dr. Felicitas Mokom, the graduates are going to change the world. “These are bright entrepreneurial students and very adaptive. They are going to transform the community and make a great difference both home and abroad. She encouraged them to remain persistent and maintain their growth mindset.

NjankoPatuCarel Maeva from the school of engineering, department of software engineering emerged as overall best student with a 3.97 GPA. The graduates pledged to lift the institution’s flag higher as they face the job market. The ceremony equally witnessed the award of cash prices to outstanding students in the respective schools and departments. It is important to state that the ceremony equally witnessed the signing of a memorandum of understanding between CUIB and Source du Pays.

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