Displaced persons from NW/SW regions and refugees to be trained at FOFOMA August 8-13, 2022

By Doh James Sonkey

Displaced persons from the crisis-hit regions of the North West and South West are benefiting from training at the Orientation and Training Fair for Future Professions, FOFOMA holding from 8 to 13, 2022 at the esplanade of the Reunification Monument in Yaounde.

The revelation was made last July 28, 2022 by the Chairman of the Organizing Committee of FOFOMA, Nkomo Ngono Arsene Ledoux during a press conference granted at the Simbockneighbourhood in Yaounde.

FOFOMA that stands as a flagship of youth development in Cameroon seeks to consolidate on the one hand the achievements of the previous editions and on the other hand definitely position itself as an effective instrument for solving the problems of orientation and rapid professional training of young people in order to facilitate their employability.

FOFOMA Organizing Committee members pose with their Chairman, Nkomo Arsene Ledoux

Organized by OPTBUCAM Sarl under the patronage of the Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training the 3rd edition of FOFOMA will hold on the theme “Entrepreneurship and Financing of development projects in Cameroon.”

“The particularity of this edition is to orientate and train displaced young people from the crisis-hit regions; the North West and South West, as well as refugees from different countries in refugees’ camps in Cameroon.” He added.

With the support of public authorities and development partners, FOFOMA intends to orientate and train 300 young people in various professions such as pastry, livestock, decoration, laundry, photography, sewing etc, accompany the best in their socio-professional integration through a job exchange and several other activities.

FOFOMA is therefore a question of creating a framework for the orientation and rapid vocational learning that will solve the problem of orientation, training and socio-professional integration of young people who represent the largest part of the population.

Activities will include opening and closing ceremonies, roundtable conferences, B to B meetings, seminar to train people on project management, training in workshops and visit of stands.

An estimated 10 000 visitors are expected to come and discover what FOFOMA is offering for 5 days.

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