Donga Mantung CPDM vows to celebrate Biya’s 35 years in power despite threats

Memories of the December 8, 2016 botched CPDM rally in Bamenda which saw the loss of lives of several protesters who attempted to stop the rally are still fresh in the minds of most CPDM militants in the North West region.
Since the deadly event, CPDM militants of the region have found it difficult to identify with their party uniforms due to threats from some unidentified persons who wish to see the demise of the party in the region. This has resulted in a drastic slump in CPDM related activities in the region for almost a year now.
However, ahead of November 6, 2017 marking the date President Paul Biya, National Chairman of the ruling Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement and president of the republic acceded unto power some 35 years ago, CPDM militants of the Donga Mantung division in the North West region have vowed to defy the odds and join the rest of the country celebrate the event.
Speaking on behalf of the CPDM section president for Nkambe 1 Central , Ngalla Gerald, the WCPDM section president, Fonjo Elizabeth said all is ready for the November 6 celebrations. She said this is to prove to President Biya that the population of Nkambe in particular and the Donga Mantung division as a whole is behind him.
She furthered that, Nkambe central and the division as a whole has benefited from the largesse of the president and owe him their unflinching support.
“The peace that reigns in Cameroon today, though being threatened by some unknown individuals, is as a result of President Paul Biya’s tactful leadership”, She remarked.
She also heaped praises on the section president, Ngalla Gerald, YCPDM section president, Godlove Kila, WCPDM and committed militants of the party for always standing firm and believing in the vision 2035 plans of President Paul Biya.
According to her, their stewardship to give the party the impetus it deserve in the Nkambe 1 central will go a long way to signal to the president that the party wants him to take another mandate come the 2018 election year.
Madam Fonjo Elizabeth reminded the Nkambe populace that the Secretary of State in the Ministry of Mines and Technological Development, Dr. Fuh Calistus Gentry recently announced to the population of the division that government has made available a colossal sum of FCFA 200 billion for projects to be executed in the Donga Mantung division.
“All we need is the development of our community, FCFA 200 billion is much money allocated for the better livelihood of the people of our division. As a woman who loves to see peace reign in Cameroon, I am inviting my fellow women to preach peace in the CPDM because peace is the paramount way to a genuine dialogue”, Madam Fonjo told reporters
She also used the occasion to plead with the Head of State to empower women because they will always stand behind him while promising that the women of the Nkambe I section of the CPDM will defy all odds and come out in their numbers to celebrate the 35 anniversary of President Paul Biya in power.

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