ELECAM staffs under threat from Ambazonian activists Warned to drop preparation for presidential election

By Doh James Sonkey
Staffs of Elections Cameroon, ELECAM especially those in the North West and South West regions are under threats from separatists who claim that they will not tolerate any organization of elections in these two regions.
The separatists who call themselves Ambazonians are using the social media to dish out daily threats on ELECAM officials in the field promising death to anybody who dares to defy them.
Some ELECAM officials who confided in The SUN said “their threats took a different dimension when the President of the Republic convened electors to the polls on October 7, 2018. We will not bow to such threats because Cameroon is one and indivisible as reassured by the President of the Republic. On no occasion will elections take place only in some parts of the country as claimed by those secessionists.”

Pro-independence fighters are against elections
Pro-independence fighters are against elections

There is an urgent need for ELECAM and government officials to take such threats on the lives of ELECAM staffs very seriously especially as some of the separatists declare on social media that they will personally eliminate some of the staffs because they know where to find them.
The panic generated by secessionists is emerging within ELECAM staffs at the time there is general mobilization and commitment to ensure a good conduct of the polls of October 7, 2018 nationwide.
It is worth noting that the recent senatorial election in Cameroon was marred by huge insecurity especially in the North West and South West regions as some councilors were flown out of their municipalities to enable them cast their votes because separatists were bent at disrupting the election.

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