Electricity restored in Kumba after five days of black out

Electricity has finally been restored in Kumba, headquarters of Meme Division in the South West Region of Cameroon, after five days of total black out.
The situation was brought under control around the evening hours of Thursday June 21 thanks to collaboration of the military and the electricity supply company, ENEO.
Ever since the town was blacked out on Sunday June 17 though no official statement was advanced for the power outage by ENEO, reports held that the fault was along the Kumba-Buea and Kumba-Tombel roads, the main suppliers of the town that were termed dangerous as a result of the crisis.
Business persons contacted by The SUN said they have incurred heavy losses worth thousands as a result of the black out.
Most business persons and individuals resorted to the use of generators in order to carry out their day to day engagements.
The situation also gave rise to a fast growing business of charging phones with generators. Owners of generators charged individuals a fee of FCFA 200 per cell phone.

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