Fako CPDM reiterates support for President Biya on party’s anniversary


The leader of the South West Permanent Regional Delegation of the Central Committee of the ruling CPDM party, Peter Mafany Musonge, has urged militants of the partyto actively rally behind the Head of State, President Paul Biya, for a one and indivisible Cameroon.

SW Gov. okalia Bila (m) flanked by P.M. Musonge and Minister nalova Lyonga
SW Gov. okalia Bila (m) flanked by P.M. Musonge and Minister nalova Lyonga

He made this call on Saturday March 24, 2018 as the party celebrated its 33 years anniversary under the theme, “All behind the president of theRepublic His Excellency Paul Biya, to accelerate the completion of decentralization, development and democracy, catalyst in peace, unity and national territory integrity”.The ceremony took place at the CPDM Secretariat Down Beach Limbe.

“I am happy to say that, the party is alive and strong in Fako Division, thanks to the section presidents and all militants” Peter Mafany told the militants.

cPdM Fako 1a Section president, Motanga andrew Monjimba addressing militants
cPdM Fako 1a Section president,
Motanga andrew Monjimba addressing militants

The section president for Fako 1A,Motanga Andrew Monjimba, in welcoming the militants said, for the entire Fako sections joining to celebrate in Fako 1A, adds a boost to the celebration and goes a long way to magnify their unity and political force as a people.

“The Head of State has demonstrated that Fako has a special place in his heart. After giving us two prime ministers back-to- back for fourteen years, the Head of State has decided to come back to Fako after almost five years. This is to show that our bond with president Biya is unshakeable.” Motanga Andrew told militants.

He added that for 33 years, the party has gone through all sorts of trials and tribulations; however, it has always come out looking stronger and preparing to face the challenge. “That is why even the recent storms cannot weaken the party because its foundation was built on a genuine and solid rock, not sinking sand”, Motanga maintained and said militants should rally behind the Head of State, as he is at the forefront to bring stability in the ongoing crisis.

“We must build discipline, cohesion and focus, not backbiting, slander, useless petitions to Yaounde and propagation of lies which will lead us nowhere, but weaken the party and its leadership,ultimately giving hope to a splintered and almost dead opposition.” Motanga said.

On her part madam Sophie Njako Nene Engemise, president of WCPDM Fako 1Bappealed for the creation of more jobs, revamping the Tiko airport and the commencement of the Limbe deep seaport project, while calling on the Head of State to hasten meaningful and inclusive dialogue, as a way forward to the ongoing crisis.

Meanwhile, the president of YCPDM Fako II, Prince Findi assured the central committee leader that the youths will massively register and vote for the upcoming elections and will be ambassadors of peace despite the ongoing crisis.

Other militants like Mbella Moki Charles, Hon Emilia Lifaka Monjowa and Hon Etombi Ikome Gladys, took turns to acclaim president Biya’s largesse to Fako Division, holding that the division has been receiving special attention from the Head of State.

Mention was made of such things as road, water, street light, developmental projects like Limbe Nautical Art and Fishery Institute, Limbe Advanced Vocational Training Center, Limbe Omnisport Stadium among others.

At the end of the event, militants were told to remain peaceful and massively turnout on election days.





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