Fako SDO hails Limbe City Council for 88.26% budget recovery rate

The Senior Divisional Officer for Fako, Zang III, has given the Government Delegate to the Limbe City Council, Andrew Motanga Monjimba, thumbs up for excellent management and for a budget recovery rate of 88.26% while exhorting him to pay more attention on social amenities.
The SDO made these remarks during the LCC session meant to assess the management accounts budgeted for the 2016 fiscal year, on Friday June 23, in the deliberative chambers of the City Council.
Zang III also remarked that the staff cost for the year in review was not exorbitant, when compared with those of the sub divisional councils in the municipality. He added that: “Instead of increasing workers salary or squandering the funds, invest them into more constructive areas in the city.”

LCC Govt Delegate, Motanga Andrew Monjimba  changing Limbe for the better
LCC Govt Delegate, Motanga Andrew Monjimba
changing Limbe for the better

In all, the SDO made some vital recommendations; complete realization of projects launched in 2016; continue the fight against urban disorder especially with the parking of vehicles; enforce the respect of traffic; and promote dialogue and peaceful coexistence amongst Limbe denizens.
On his part, the Government Delegate, Andrew Motanga Monjimba revealed that of the seven billion francs budgeted for 2016 financial year, about FCFA 6.1billion was recovered, giving an 88.26% recovery rate. This percentage showed a significant increase when compared to the 71.4% and 66.4% recovery rates in 2015 and 2014 respectively.
In fact, in 2016, close to three billion francs were spent on various projects, giving a 46.71% of total expenditure. These investments were done on land acquisition, tangible assets, works and development, equipment and furniture. All of these and more fell within the 2016 action plan of the City Council.
Andrew Motanga said that despite the relative being relatively calm during the crisis that has plagued the North West and South West Regions, some projects could not be completed in the start of 2017. He cited the hotel around the customs canteen in Bota, which is still under construction.
Some of the projects realized during the 2016 fiscal year include; road network maintenance, lighting of the major streets in the municipality, construction of community hall at Ngeme, portable water supply to various quarters, construction of slaughters houses, recreation sites like the Pride at Mile 2 and public toilets at the community field.
Meantime, some projects for previewed for this year are; construction and tarring of the road leading to Towe from CAMWATER office at Mile 1, and the construction and maintenance of the road from Police to Unity Quarter.
That said, the Government Delegate called on all to put in their best in order to make Limbe the city of their dreams: “Our successes have been and will continue to remain the result of collective efforts. We are not resting, as our action plan for 2017 is very ambitious.”

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