Fako SDO promises sanctions and prosecution for ghost town respecters

By Ikome Christie-Noella Eposi
The Senior divisional officer for Fako, Engamba Emmanuel Ledoux on the occasion of his maiden socio-economic tour has promised hell for anyone who will be caught respecting calls for ghost towns in the division come the month of December 2017.
“Severe sanctions and why not prosecution awaits anyone who will be found undertaking ghost towns as from December” Mr Ledoux warned.
The tour which took place on Thursday October 26 2017 at the independence square in Buea also saw the presence of the divisional officer for Buea, the Mayor of the Buea council, traditional, religious and political authorities.
While addressing the population that showed up, Emmanuel Ledoux said Buea is one of the towns after his heart and he is ready to make Buea a more conducive place for everyone.
He also noted that he is a man of few words and more action. “This is my meet the people tour where we decided to visit the people one on one, listen to the various preoccupations, where and how they live, and the various problems encountered in their daily lives etc. From my observations, there is a lot of work to be done and I believe that, collectively, as one people, we shall make this work.”
Responding to some of the problems facing the municipality as enumerated by the Mayor, Ekema Patrick Esunge, Engamba Ledoux revealed that some of the preoccupations like the creation of a city council in Buea are just a few months away.
He equally promised that chieftaincy problem in Buea will be laid to rest before the end of the year.
“I will always try to be neutral as possible and to make sure that we all dialogue together as brothers and sisters that we are to ensure a smooth Buea for us all”, Engamba told the enchanted Buea populace.
The Senior Divisional officer continued by asking the people to always feel free to bring their problems to him for redress; “I want us to work hand in gloves, take me as your brother, feel free to come to me with your worries at anytime and being the humble servant that I am, I will always give you all listening ears. I am here to serve you, always at your disposal.”
Before the occasion at the Independence Square in Buea, the SDO and his entourage visited the Bojongo social cultural project, the fish ponds at Small Soppo, Wovila and Woteke, Dr Menyoli’s housing project at Bulu, Bwiteva water catchment, old German station, and 50th Anniversary monument amongst others.
Chief Mesoso III of Lysoka Bwilei expressed satisfaction with the wise words from the SDO.
“I was so happy with the answers he gave concerning our worries and problems and I believe that, with his assurances and promises all will be well. He is a man of few words and more action”. Chief Mesoso III said in excitement.

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