Fako Solution Group organises marathon back to school campaign

By Ikome Christie-Noella Eposi
“The future of the children lies in the stories we the members of the Fako solution group are about to tell. The children of today are the governors of tomorrow and we cannot have governors who are illiterates’’ Mr Mesumbe Sylvester, president of the Fako solution group highlighted during a press conference organized on May 5, 2017 in Buea. Aimed at casting out the spell of fear from parents and sensitizing the children on the necccessity of education, the marathon back to school group organized the press conference in a bid to ensure that journalists who are teachers as well as the fourth arm of government will have a great and vital role to play so far as the dissemination of information is concerned.

Members of the Fako Solution Group talking to the media
Members of the Fako Solution Group talking to the media

Despite the series of complaints tabled forward by some press men and women, the non-governmental organization noted that it is an apolitical organization and absolutely has nothing relating to political issues of the country. Rather, they are in charge of making sure the children of the North West and South West regions get back to school effectively.
The marathon back to school is said to begin on May 13, 2017 in Fako and will later on continue in the other regions. Headed by the president, Mr Mesumbe Sylvester, other members of the N.G.O present at the conference were the secretary general of the organization, Mr Kisisto Esua, the adviser, Mr Nethan and finally the host who equally doubles as journalist, Mr Njeck Sylvanus.
The president of the Fako solution group equally noted that, apart from being a marathon back to school group, they also carry out philanthropic activities such as visiting the sick and the less privileged.
“We of the Fako solution group cannot remain indifferent in the face of challenges. We the parents practically do everything in life but we have prevented the children from going to school thereby depriving them the universal human right which is the right of Education. Fako Solution group cannot stand by and watch the children go astray, do odd jobs at tender ages. “Enough is enough’’. The marathon titled “Back to school’’ is aimed at beating the spell cast on the parents’’. Mr Mesumbe Sylvester mentioned during the conference. He thanked all those of higher institutions for their authorization, their financial and moral support in realizing their aim. When quizzed on the level of security in schools which has been an enormous setback to the students going back to school, Mr Sylvester said the government intends to create police posts in all schools to ensure proper security.
“We are undertaking this marathon back to school because we have already done door-to-door consultations and as at now, about 1000 children are crying to go back to school. So with this encouragement, we are guaranteed to successfully pull through with the marathon back to school which will go a long way to sensitize, remove ignorance and cast out the spell of fear from the minds of parents and children.” He reiterated.
The Fako solution group was born on May 18, 2016 and began with the aim of bringing solutions to problems especially those plaguing the country. The group, according to the president, started its sensitizations long ago without a lot of publicity which rhymes with their mantra of “Action speaks louder than words’’.

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