Father John Egbulefu and Saint Thomas Aquinas: Beautiful Unity and Striking differences between them in their Theological Thinking and Activity

By George Lekelefac Nchumbonga

In the coming years, three significant anniversaries will be observed to honor the legacy of Thomas Aquinas, the renowned Doctor Angelicus. On July 18, 2023 it will mark exactly 700 years since his canonization.

In 2024, the Church will commemorate the 750th anniversary of his death, and, in 2025, celebrate the 800th anniversary of his birth.

This convergence of milestones presents a unique and rare occasion for the three dioceses connected to Thomas:  the diocese of Sora-Cassino-Aquino-Pontecorvo, where Thomas was born and took his first steps; the diocese of Latina, home to the Abbey of Fossanova, the place of his death; the diocese of Frosinone, where Thomas spent time in the castle of his family in Monte San Giovanni Campano.


The Papal Letter


It was an opportune moment for Pope Francis to send a letter to the three bishops of these dioceses, initiating a three-year period of celebrations and reflections. Although the letter was not published in the Vatican Press Office bulletin, it was sent personally and subsequently shared through Vatican media. In the meantime, the bishops had already begun taking action based on the letter, informing the faithful and preparing for the first grand commemorative events. On July 18, Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, will be in Fossanova by papal appointment to celebrate a Mass in remembrance of the canonization of St. Thomas. But even before that, on July 14, a pilgrimage will take place to the medieval church of San Tommaso in Roccasecca, the first church in the world to be built and dedicated to Doctor Angelicus.


The Addressees of the Letter


Pope Francis’s letter was addressed to Bishop Gerardo Antonazzo of Sora-Cassino-Aquino-Pontecorvo, Bishop Mariano Crociata of Latina-Terracina-Sezze-Priverno, and Bishop Ambrogio Spreafico of Frosinone-Veroli-Ferentino and Anagni-Alatri (cf. Spreafico was one of the Rectors of the Pontifical Urbanian University Rome during the 30 years of Prof. Egbulefu’s teaching of Dogmatic Theology at the Urbanian University 1989-2020, whereby Spreafico born in the same year as Egbulefu, 1950, was an Ex-member of a Religious Institute, whereas  Egbulefu was already  the Founder of a nascent and  phenomenally growing priestly Religious Institute, and the two could not have been  better friends, and Frosinone was where Thomas spent time in the castle of his family in Monte San Giovanni Campano, while the 30 years of Egbulefu’s teaching at the Urbanian University recapture, recall, reflect, the 30 years of the hidden life of Jesus before He appeared for His public ministry, a hidden life as an imperative after the terror and shock suffered from the though futile search by the jealous power-drunk king Herod to nip him in the bud, kill him even as an infant  born to be the divine King of Israel and of the whole world).

Saint Thomas Aquinas

The contents of the letter: In his missive, Pope Francis emphasizes that the Doctor Communis (another title for Thomas) is “a resource” for the Church of today and tomorrow, echoing his request at last year’s International Thomistic Congress to rediscover Thomas Aquinas’s roots.

Pope Francis writes: “Guided by the constant awareness that the truths of faith, starting from the Uni-Trinity of God and the divinity and humanity of Christ.” (cf. J. Egbulefu, The Trinity, the Incarnate Word and Mary, in: DE TRINITATIS MYSTERIO ET MARIA, Acta Congressus Mariologici-Mariani Internationalis in Civitate Romae Anno 2000 celebrati, Vol II, Sectio Africana et Asiatica, ed. Pontificia Accademia Mariana Internationalis, Città del Vaticano 2006,   pp. 185-318; J. Egbulefu, Mistero trinitario e contesto africano, in: TRINITA’ IN CONTESTO, a cura di Angelo Amato, LAS-Roma, Aprile 1994, pp. 191-198. J. Egbulefu, Cristo. La ricerca sull’identità storica di Gesù Cristo e sulla sua attività salvifica in tutte e tre le epoche del cristianesimo, in: Cristocentrismo. Riflessione teologica. A cura di Paolo Scarafoni, Città Nuova Editrice, Roma 2002, pp. 251 –280;

Father John Egbulefu
  1. Egbulefu, Christ the Emmanuel: The only Saviour in Our Midst, Yesterday, Today and Forever. A Dogmatic-Theological Synthesis, in: E. Edeh, editor, Jesus The Saviour in our midst. The Third Millennium, vol. I, Minuteman Press, High Wycomber, Bucks 1998, pp. 36-59), do not ‘rest’ solely in the intellect but substantiate the daily existence and concrete commitment of every believer in the Church and society, Thomas, as a good Dominican, dedicated himself generously to evangelization (cf. J. Egbulefu, La Missione Evangelizzatrice della Chiesa in Africa, Ecclesia in Africa, in: Prendere il Largo con Cristo. Esortazioni e Lettere di Giovanni Paolo II, a cura di Graziano Borgonovo e Arturo Cattianeo, Edizioni Cantagalli, Siena 2005, pp. 105-114. J. Egbulefu, Evangelization as bringing God, His incarnate Son and Word, Jesus Christ, and the Church of Christ as His people to men and bringing Men into the Church, into Christ, and into God through the guide and in the light of the Holy Spirit, in: Uzochukwu Jude Njoku and Simon O. Anyanwu, edd., Bringing Good News to the Poor. Essays in memory of Bishop Anthony Gogo Nwedo, Lumen Press, Umuahia, 2012, pp. 158-233. J. Egbulefu, Successful inculturation of Christianity in Africa, in: SEMINARIUM, Evangelii inculturatio: Possibilitates et limites, Anno XXXII – n. 1, Città del Vaticano, Januario-Martio 1992, p.102-120), devoting himself wholeheartedly through prayer (cf. J. Egbulefu, II culto intorno a Cristo, in: CATECHESI MISSIONARIA, Rivista Semestrale di riflessione ed esperienze, Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Città del Vaticano, Anno XI,  n. 1, gen. – giugno 1995, pp. 26-36; J. Egbulefu,  Some of my Prayers in the past and present, Emmanuelite Secretariat, Ohuru 2020),  serious and passionate study (cf. J. Egbulefu, Professional Theology: Biblical Theology and the New Method of Exegesis, in: Live Witness Journal, Seat of Wisdom Seminary, Owerri, Ninth Edition 2014, Theme: Is Salvation for All?, pp. 1-22),  impressive theological and cultural production (With regard to the immense cultural production, see ‘Spiritualitas Cantata of the Emmanuelite Congregation. Emmanuelite Hymnbook Vol I: The Sacerdotal Society of Christ the Emmanuel is praying, Rome 1996; the hymns comprise old and new; the new are composed by the Founder and members of the Congregation of Christ the Emmanuel’ – the Founder, J. Egbulefu, composed thirty nine of the therein contained Latin hymns for the Choral Adoration of the triune God and the Godman Christ in the Eucharistic Sacrament and for the celebration of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as Sacrament of Christ’s supreme love and of His Redemption of the human race from the evil of eternal death, and the Founder is also the father of  the Rite of the Emmanuelite choral model of Adoration of God in the Blessed Sacrament, a Rite at the center of the mystical half of  the chanted Spirituality of the Emmanuelites.

And with regard to the immense theological production, see ‘The  Bibliography  comprising published works – books and articles – and unpublished writings and Papers of  John Okoro Egbulefu  – in particular the Sixty-seven Published works – books and articles in their chronological order and according to decades: From  1974 to 1979  a total of 5; From 1980 to 1989  a total of 7;  From 1990 to 1999  a total of 16; From 2000 to 2009  a total of  16; From ‪2010 to 2020 a total of 20; in the first two years of the incipient decade 2021-2030 a total of two so far; the publications are on the various tracts of dogmatic Theology and on interdisciplinary topics concerning the relation between the taught divine truths  of the Christian faith and the human life, particularly  the application of the doctrines of the Christian faith to enhance the welfare  of the human life; they in their  systematic-theological order are as follows :


1: On the Triune God and the Divine Trinity (A Total of 8 Publications)


  1. i) Menschengeist – Gnade – Gottesschau. Zur Theologie der Gnade bei Karl Rahner(Doctoral Thesis, Universität Münster), 1982,  606pp.
  2. ii) Conversant With God. Part I: Joy At God,Aba, 1988, 31pp.

iii) The Grace of God and the Divine Trinity: A systematic-theological Reflection, in: BIGARD Theological Studies, 34, 2(2014), Enugu, pp.1- 45.

iv)The Trinity, the Incarnate Word and Mary, in: DE TRINITATIS MYSTERIO ET MARIA, Acta Congressus Mariologici-Mariani Internationalis in Civitate Romae Anno 2000 celebrati, Vol II, Sectio Africana et Asiatica, ed. Pontificia Accademia Mariana Internationalis, Città del Vaticano 2006, pp. 185-318, particularly pp.185-232

  1. v) The Family of God as the Trinitarian family with the people of God from the human families, in: The Life Magazine, 2011-2012, Bigard Memorial Seminary, Enugu, 2011, pp.30-32.

vi)Mistero trinitario e contesto africano, in: TRINITA’ IN CONTESTO, a cura di Angelo Amato, LAS-Roma, Aprile 1994, pp. 191-198.

vii) The Silence of God. A systematic-theological Reflection, in: The New Pentecost. In the Spirit there is life. Seat of Wisdom Seminary, Owerri, Vol I, No 25, 25th Edition April 2019/2020, pp 5-10.

viii) God regreted to have created man whom He had created good and blessed. Why? A systematic- theological reflection, in:Live Witness Journal. Why God regrets… (Gen 6:6) Seat of Wisdom Owerri, 15th Edition 2021, pp. 1-29.


2: On Christ the Incarnate Son of God (A Total of 4 Publications)


  1. i) II culto intorno a Cristo, in: CATECHESI MISSIONARIA, Rivista Semestrale di riflessione ed esperienze, Pontificia Università Urbaniana, Città del Vaticano, Anno XI, n. 1, gen. – giugno 1995, pp. 26-36.
  2. ii) Cristo. La ricerca sull’ identità storica di Gesù Cristo e sulla sua attività salvifica in tutte e tre le epoche del cristianesimo, in: Cristocentrismo. Riflessione teologica. A cura di Paolo Scarafoni, Città Nuova Editrice, Roma 2002, pp. 251 –280.

iii) The Trinity, the Incarnate Word and Mary, in: DE TRINITATIS MYSTERIO ET MARIA, Acta Congressus Mariologici-Mariani Internationalis in Civitate Romae Anno 2000 celebrati, Vol II, Sectio Africana et Asiatica, ed. Pontificia Accademia Mariana Internationalis, Città del Vaticano 2006, pp. 185-318, particularly pp. 232-252

  1. iv) Christ the Emmanuel: The only Saviour in Our Midst, Yesterday, Today and Forever. A Dogmatic-Theological Synthesis, in: E. Edeh (editor), Jesus The Saviour in our midst. The Third Millennium, vol. I, Minuteman Press, High Wycomber, Bucks 1998, pp. 36-59.

3: On the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of the Father and of the Son


  1. i) The Identity and activity of the Holy Spirit.An appreciation of the person, presence and action of the Holy Spirit as God the Vivifier, Unifier, Justifier and Sanctifier, in: ENCOUNTER, Vol. 6, Rome 2001, pp. 34-43.


4:  On Mary the Mother of Christ as Mother of God and Mother of the Church


  1. i) The Trinity, the Incarnate Word and Mary, in: DE TRINITATIS MYSTERIO ET MARIA, Acta Congressus Mariologici-Mariani Internationalis in Civitate Romae Anno 2000 celebrati, Vol II, Sectio Africana et Asiatica, ed. Pontificia Accademia Mariana Internationalis, Città del Vaticano 2006, pp. 185-318, particularly pp 252-277
  2. ii) Il progresso della Mariologia  dopo il Concilio Vaticano II: nuovi appellativi per la Vergine Madre Maria Regina in Africa, oltre alla sua superiorità agli Angeli insegnata nel Concilio (LG 53).  (Una relazione tenuta nel 23° Congresso Mariologico Mariano Internazionale tenuto a Roma nell’Anthonianum sul tema principale ‘La mariologia a partire dal Concilio Vaticano II’ secondo il cui Magistero Maria è sopra -e superiore a – tutte le creature).


5: On the missionary Church of Christ in the world in general and in Africa in particular (a sum total of 22 publications)


  1. i) The Reception of the Second Vatican Council: The implementation of the Decree ‘Ad Gentes Divinitus’, in: OMNIS TERRA, nr. 302, Rome 1999, pp. 427-432

ii)II rinnovato appello alla Chiesa Missionaria, in: IL CONCILIO VATICANO II. Recezione e attualità alla luce del Giubileo, a cura di Rino Fisichella, Edizioni San Paolo s.r.l. 2000, pp. 318-332.

iii) Lumen Gentium. The Mystery and Membership of the Church. An interpretation, in: Chidi Denis Isizoh, editor, Milesstones in interreligious dialogue. Ceedee Publications, Rome-Lagos, 2002, pp.24-46.

  1. iv) Gaudium et Spes. Una rilettura teologica a cinquant’anni dall’inizio del Concilio Vaticano II, in: ECCLESIA MATER, Roma, 2 Maggio/Agosto, Anno 2012, pp. 76-86.
  2. v) La Chiesa e il Regno di Dio nella missione di Cristo Redentore, in: CATECHESI MISSIONARIA. Rivista Semestrale di riflessione ed esperienze, Università Urbaniana, Città del Vaticano, Anno VII, n. 1, gennaio-giugno 1991, pp 19-26.
  3. vi) Thesalvific mission of Christ and His Church – the Second Vatican Council – the insistence of the post-conciliar Popes on Science, in: Emmanuel M.P.Edeh (edit.), The Church of Jesus the Saviour in Africa, Vol. I (Lineamenta),  Madonna University Press, Elele, Rivers State Nigeria, 2009, pp. 380-437.

vii) The Church in Africa towards the Third Millennium. The Present problems of the young African Church as the occasion for the Synod,in: OMNIS TERRA, nr. 211, 24th year September-October 1990, Rome, pp. 413-424; also, in Italian, in: ECCLESIA MATER, Roma, 2, maggio-agosto 1990, anno XXVIII, pp. 97-112.

viii)Successful inculturation of Christianity in Africa, in: SEMINARIUM, Evangelii inculturatio: Possibilitates et limites, Anno XXXII – n. 1, Città del Vaticano, Januario-Martio 1992, p.102-120.

  1. ix) Il Sinodo per l’Africa, in: ECCLESIA MATER, Roma, 1, gennaio-aprile 1994, Anno XXXII, pp. 46-49.

x)In the African Synod the image of a young church in increasing maturity, in: OMNIS TERRA, Roma, N. 254, 29th Year, Jan. 1995, pp. 26-33.

  1. xi) Chiesa-Famiglia per l’Africa, in: MONDO E MISSIONE, Milano, Anno 123, Agosto-Settembre 1994, N 7, pp. 437-441.

xii) La Missione Evangelizzatrice della Chiesa in Africa (Ecclesia in Africa), in: Prendere il Largo con Cristo. Esortazioni e Lettere di Giovanni Paolo II, a cura di Graziano Borgonovo e Arturo Cattianeo, Edizioni Cantagalli, Siena 2005, pp. 105-114.

xiii) Evangelization as bringing God, His incarnate Son and word, Jesus Christ, and the Church of Christ as His people to men and bringing Men into the Church, into Christ, and into God through the guide and in the light of the Holy Spirit, in: Uzochukwu Jude Njoku and Simon O. Anyanwu (edd.), Bringing Good News to the Poor. Essays in memory of Bishop Anthony Gogo Nwedo, Lumen Press, Umuahia, 2012, pp. 158-233.

xiv) The Church in Africa in service to both spiritual and material salvation through Word-and-Sacrament and Science-and-Technology, in: Emmanuel M.P. Edeh (edit.), The Church of Jesus the Saviour in Africa, Vol. I (Lineamenta), Madonna University Press, Elele, Rivers State Nigeria, 2009, pp. 311-379.

  1. xv) Attempts to provide a vision and strategic plan to assist Africa emerge from misery and marginalization in the overall movement of globalization, in: Emmanuel M.P.Edeh (edit.), The Church of Jesus the Saviour in Africa, Vol. II (Instrumentum Laboris), Madonna University Press, Elele 2009, 618pp., here: pp.78-157

xvi) Sharpening our scientific and technical expertise for the development of our African countries, in: Emmanuel M.P.Edeh (edit.), The Church of Jesus the Saviour in Africa, Vol. I (Lineamenta), Madonna University Press, Elele, Rivers State Nigeria, 2009, pp.438-527.

xvii) Ụwa Ọhụụ: Akamgba Chere Igbo,Assumpta Press,Owerri 2001, 116 pp.

xviii) The poor people of God – Who are they? in: NEW SEARCHLIGHT Magazine, Veritas et Vita, Vol 6, No 1, St Peter Claver Seminary, Okpuala, Owerri, April 2006/2007, pp. 13-14.

xix) The Trinity, the Incarnate Word and Mary, in: DE TRINITATIS MYSTERIO ET MARIA, Acta Congressus Mariologici-Mariani Internationalis in Civitate Romae Anno 2000 celebrati, Vol II, Sectio Africana et Asiatica, ed. Pontificia Accademia Mariana Internationalis, Città del Vaticano 2006, pp. 185-318, particularly pp 278-318.

  1. xx) The Second Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops. A reflection on its necessity, merits and limits, in: Rivista Teologica di Lugano, Anno XV 2010, Numero I, 198pp, here: pp.143-148.

xxi)Eurafrikanische Zusammenarbeit zur Zukunfts-gestaltung. Überlegungen zum dialogisch-handelnden partnerschaftlichen Ansatz, in: Markus Krienke-Wilhelm Staudacher (hgg.), EURAFRIKA, Zukunftsfragen, Bd. 3, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Rome 2011, pp. 325-339. For the italian version: Idem, La cooperazione Euroafricana per plasmare il futuro. Riflessioni sull’approccio di una partnership che agisce dialogicamente, in: Markus Krienke-WilhelmStaudacher (edd.), EURAFRICA, I quesiti del futuro, vol. 3, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Rome 2011, pp. 340-353.

xxii)Originalitàt und Europabezogenheit in der Schwarzafrikanischen Literatur. Eine Quellenforschung und Literaturkritik (Doctoral Thesis, Universität Innsbruck), 1979, 479pp.

xxiii)Die Schwarzafrikanische Literatur. Ihre Originalität und das Problem ihrer Beziehung zu Europa, Thesen Verlag Darmstadt 1981, 304pp.


6: On the Sacraments of Christ and the Sacramentals of the Church (A Sum total of 8 Publications)


  1. i) The Sacraments and the Sacramentals, in:  The NEW SEARCHLIGHT Magazine, Veritas et Vita, Vol. 12 No 1 (The Sacramental Life of the Church. A medium of sanctification) April 2012/2013, St Peter Claver Seminary, Okpuala, Owerri, 2012, pp.12-14. 36.
  2. ii) The Theology of the celebrations of the Great Jubilee of the Holy Year 2000, in: ENWISDOMIZATION JOURNAL, Owerri, 1999, Vol. 1, No 2, Special Edition 2000, pp. 3-13.

iii) L’Eucaristia, banchetto pasquale, in: Vita Christiana, Monteroni, Pasqua 1992, p.4.

iv)L’Eucaristia, il sacerdote, il seminarista, in: Graziano Borgonovo e Krzysztof Charamsa (a cura di), Eucaristia e Libertà, Percorsi di formazione sacerdotale Vol. II, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2006, pp. 81- 93.

  1. v) Ehe – Mehr als ein Vertrag, in: Familie ist Zukunft (XIV Internationaler Kongress für die Familie, Bonn, April 1989. Vorträge, Diskussionen, Arbeitskreise), heraus- gegeben von Christoph Zeller,Bouvier, Bonn 1989, pp. 57-62.
  2. vi) La Congregazione di Cristo Emanuele, in: Percorsi di Formazione sacerdotale. Vol. 1: Perché si generi la ‘forma Christi’, a cura di Graziano Borgonovo e Krzysztof Charamsa, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2005, pp. 268-284.

vii)La mia vita, un dono del Signore. In filiale comunione con Giovanni Paolo II e Benedetto XVI, in: VITA CRISTIANA, Monteroni di Lecce,Natale 2005, pp. 24-25.

viii) The ministerial Priesthood of Christ as of the incarnate Son of God and certain problems arising from the deviation from its principles in its practice by contemporary priests in His Church, in:  The Laity Spotlight Magazine, Setting the Pace, Vol. 6 No 6 (‘Year for the Priests’) September 2010, Aba Diocesan Catholic Laity Council, Aba pp 63-68.


7:  On the renewal of Theology from the point of view of its Essence and Goal and Structure (A Sum total of 11 Publications)


  1. i) Filiation Theology. A New Vision And Practice of Theology, in: Kenneth Ameke/Samuel Uzoukwu (editors), Emerging Conversations On Theofiliation. Essays in Honour of Archbishop Anthony J. V. Obinna, www.Xlibris.com, 10/10/2019, pp.105-151.
  2. ii) The Contributions of contemporary African Christian Theology to the Desired Renewal of Christian Theology, in: ENCOUNTER, Journal of African Life and Religion, edited by the Association of Nigerian Priests, Religious and Seminarians, Rome, Vol. 12, Theme: Mercy and Justice in Nation-building: Advancing Pathways for unity and development in Nigeria, Rome 2017, pp. 242-282.

iii) Widening our world of Theology, in: www.emmanuelites.org

  1. iv) II teologo ‘filius ecclesiae’, in: ECCLESIA MATER, Roma, Settembre-Decembre 1991, Anno XXIX, pp. 167-174.
  2. v) Do We Need Scientific Theology? in: VIDYAJYOTI. Journal of Theological Reflection, New Delhi, Vol XLIX, May 1985, No 5, pp 230-233. Also, in Japanese, with the title: ‘An African Stand on Scientific Theology’, in: KATORIKKU KENKYA, Catholic Studies, Sophia University, Tokyo, 1985, 47, vol. 24, fasc. 1, pp. 49-55.

vi)Rekonstruktion und Ergänzung althergebrachten Glaubensgutes im Kontext einer jungen Kirche am Beispiel Afrikas, in: Afro-Asiatisches Institut in Graz, editor, Afrikanische Theologie – Religiöses Denken auf Neuen Wegen. Studientagung-Dokumentation, 22-24 Nov. 1985, Graz, 1985, pp. 90-105.

vii)Towards the Foundation of theological thinking as literary culture, in: SHALOM, Enugu – Ikot Ekpene, 4/1, 1983, pp. 254-260.

viii) Theologie und Ausdrucksmittel. Bemerkungen  zum Denken Karl Rahners, in: Zeitschrift fùr Katholische Theologie. Theologische Fakultät Innsbruck, 126. Band, Heft 1-2, Karl Rahner 100 Jahre, Herder 2004, pp. 23-31.

ix)Hans Urs vonBalthasars Angriff auf die Theologie Karl Rahners. Eine Studie (Master’s Thesis, Universitàt Innsbruck), 1977, 72pp.

  1. x) Pope John Paul II and his doctrinal and pastoral instructions in Tertio Millennio Adveniente Towards the Great Jubilee Year 2000, in: E. Edeh, editor, op. cit., 1998, pp. 18-35.
  2. xi) The Glorification of God by man. A Dogmatic Reflection, in: ENCOUNTER, a Journal of African Life and Religion, Vol. 5, Rome 1998/99, pp, 9-25.


8: On New Methods of Interpreting the Word of God (3 Publications)


  1. i) Professional Theology: Biblical Theology and the New Method of Exegesis, in: Live Witness Journal, Action Speaks Louder Than Words. Seat of Wisdom Seminary, Owerri, Ninth Edition 2014, Theme: Is Salvation for All? pp. 1-22.
  2. ii) Unless someone explains it to me: towards a better understanding of the Word of God in the context of the question posed in Acts ‪8:31, in:  Live Witness Journal. Actions Speak Louder Than Words. Seat of Wisdom Seminary Owerri, 10th Edition 2015, pp. 1-21.

iii) The Interaction between the Human Interpreter’s justice to the divine Word and the divine Mercy to the human interpreter of the word in the context of the search for adequate Ways of interpreting the Word of God, Live Witness Journal. Actions Speak Louder Than Words, Seat of Wisdom Owerri, 13th Edition 2018, pp. 1-25.


9: On the application of the traditional  doctrines of the Christian faith to the traditional devotions and to the traditional disciplines of the Church  (cf J. Egbulefu, Authentic Christian Spirituality in theory and practice, in: Celestine Chibueze Uzondu Ph.D. and Gerard Emeam Umorem Ph.D, editors, Initiation to Authentic Christian Spirituality,  Onitsha 2022, J. Egbulefu, From virtuous life to perfection, from perfection to holiness, from holy life on earth to sainthood in heaven, in: Nchumbonga George Lekelefac, (ed.), Francis Cardinal Arinze : 90th Birthday Festschrift, published by the ‘Nchumbonga Lekelefac Institute of Research, Documentation, Language and Culture, USA’, Oklahoma City, 2022, pp.226-313.


10: On the Defense and Promotion of the Human Life. 


  1. i) Dynamism without Stability: A problem of the life in Nigeria. The Church’s Current Contribution to the solution, in: ENCOUNTER, Journal of African Life and Religion, edited by the Association of Nigerian Priests, Religious and Seminarians, Rome, Vol. 11, Theme: Rekindling the light of hope: the Church helping to stabilize the Nigerian nation, Rome 2015, pp. 53-86.
  2. ii) We are the Government of tomorrow but with a renewed concept and art of Governing, in: Wisdom Satellite, Evangelizare pauperibus misit me. Seat of Wisdom Owerri, No 40, June 2018/2019, pp 14-19.

iii)The Kingdom of God: Its origin and structure, its relation with the salvation of men, its King and his royal acts, powers and handover. A systematic-theological Reflection, in: ENCOUNTER, Journal of African Life and Religion, edited by the Association of Nigerian Priests, Religious and Seminarians, Rome, Vol. 13, Theme: Adveniat Regnum Tuum: Challenges for the Church and the State in Rebuilding the Nation according to the Kingdom of God, Rome 2019, pp. 21-48), responding to requests from his Order, Ecclesiastical Authorities, and the civil world, as well as his acquaintances and friends (cf. J. Egbulefu, About Problems, in: ENCOUNTER, AJournal of life and religion. Rome 1992, Vol. I. Nr.1, pp. 21-24. J. Egbulefu, Mutual Inclusion or Exclusion of ‘Prayer’ and ‘Medicine’ in the Search for Health as Wholeness?  A theological Answer in the light of soteriology, in: Maurice Okechukwu Izunwa and Dozie Remigius Izunwa, editors, Law and Ethics of Health Care, ‪greatmprint@gmail.com, 2016, pp. 323-350; J. Egbulefu, Unless someone explains it to me: towards a better understanding of the Word of God in the context of the question posed in Acts ‪8:31, in:  Live Witness Journal. Actions Speak Louder Than Words, Seat of Wisdom Owerri, 10th Edition 2015, pp. 1-21; J. Egbulefu, The Interaction between the Human Interpreter’s justice to the divine Word and the divine Mercy to the human interpreter of the word in the context of the search for adequate Ways of interpreting the Word of God, Live Witness Journal. Actions Speak Louder Than Words, Seat of Wisdom Owerri, 13th Edition 2018, pp. 1-25).

Recalling that Pope Paul VI described Thomas as the “light of the Church and the entire world” (cf J. Egbulefu,  II teologo ‘filius ecclesiae’, in: ECCLESIA MATER, Roma, Settembre-Decembre 1991, Anno XXIX, pp. 167-174),  the Pope emphasized that honoring Thomas profoundly as a “living source” means “focusing on the study of the works of St. Thomas in their historical and cultural context (cf J. Egbulefu, Dynamism without Stability: A problem of the life in Nigeria. The Church’s Current Contribution to the solution, in: ENCOUNTER, Journal of African Life and Religion, edited by the Association of Nigerian Priests, Religious and Seminarians, Rome, Vol. 11, Theme: Rekindling the light of hope: the Church helping to stabilize the Nigerian nation, Rome 2015, pp. 53-86; J. Egbulefu, We are the Government of tomorrow but with a renewed concept and art of Governing, in: Wisdom Satellite, Evangelizare pauperibus misit me. Seat of Wisdom Owerri, No. 40, June 2018/2019, pp 14-19), and, at the same time, treasuring them to respond to today’s cultural challenges.” (cf. J. Egbulefu, Egbulefu, Inculturated Technoscientific Christian Theological System as Instrument posted 10 May 2020 http://www.emmanuelites.org/

  1. Egbulefu, Inculturated Technoscientific Christian Theology posted 5 May 2020 http://www.emmanuelites.org/).

Pope Francis entrusts two tasks to the bishops: the “patient and synodal construction of the community” and “openness to the entire truth.””

Regarding the first task, the Pope reminds us that “true synodality is growing together in Christ as living and active members of the ecclesial Body, closely united and connected to one another. A Church whose communal dimension is nourished and manifested in the sacramental life and liturgy, spirituality, cultural and intellectual diakonia, credible witness, charity, and attention to the poorest and most vulnerable.” (cf. J. Egbulefu, Lumen Gentium. The Mystery and Membership of the Church. An interpretation, in: Chidi Denis Isizoh, editor, Milesstones in interreligious dialogue. Ceedee Publications, Rome-Lagos, 2002, pp.24-46; J. Egbulefu, La Congregazione di Cristo Emanuele, in: Percorsi di Formazione sacerdotale. Vol. 1: Perché si generi la ‘forma Christi’, a cura di Graziano Borgonovo e Krzysztof Charamsa, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2005, pp. 268-284).

And then, openness to the entire truth, following in the footsteps of Thomas, who, as Pope John Paul II wrote, “disinterestedly loved the truth.”  (cf J. Egbulefu, The Kingdom of God: Its origin and structure, its relation with the salvation of men, its King and his royal acts, powers and handover. A systematic-theological Reflection, in: ENCOUNTER, Journal of African Life and Religion, edited by the Association of Nigerian Priests, Religious and Seminarians, Rome, Vol. 13, Theme: Adveniat Regnum Tuum: Challenges for the Church and the State in Rebuilding the Nation according to the Kingdom of God, Rome 2019, pp. 21-48).  However, Pope Francis emphasizes that the “formidable heritage” of St. Thomas is primarily his holiness, characterized by particular speculation that did not shy away from the challenge of being provoked and measured by lived experiences, including unprecedented issues and paradoxes of history—a dramatic yet magnificent place to discern in it the traces and direction towards the Kingdom to come (cf. J. Egbulefu, Attempts to provide a vision and strategic plan to assist Africa emerge from misery and marginalization in the overall movement of globalization, in: Emmanuel M.P.Edeh editor, The Church of Jesus the Saviour in Africa, Vol. II, Madonna University Press, Elele 2009,  pp.78-157;

  1. Egbulefu, Eurafrikanische Zusammenarbeit zur Zukunfts-gestaltung. Überlegungen zum dialogisch-handelnden partnerschaftlichen Ansatz, in: Markus Krienke-Wilhelm Staudacher, hgg., EURAFRIKA, Zukunftsfragen, Bd. 3, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Rome 2011, pp. 325-339. For the italian version: Idem, La cooperazione Euroafricana per plasmare il futuro. Riflessioni sull’approccio di una partnership che agisce dialogicamente, in: Markus Krienke-WilhelmStaudacher, edd, EURAFRICA, I quesiti del futuro, vol. 3, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Rome 2011, pp. 340-353); J. Egbulefu, THEODEMOCRACY posted 5 May 2020 http://www.emmanuelites.org/). “Let us then put ourselves under his guidance!” the Pope exclaims (cf J. Egbulefu, Do We Need Scientific Theology? in: VIDYAJYOTI. Journal of Theological Reflection, New Delhi, Vol XLIX, May 1985, No. 5, pp 230-233. Also, in Japanese, with the title: ‘An African Stand on Scientific Theology’, in: KATORIKKU KENKYA, Catholic Studies, Sophia University, Tokyo, 1985, 47, vol. 24, fasc. 1, pp. 49-55. J. Egbulefu, Widening our world of Theology, in: www.emmanuelites.org;
  2. Egbulefu, Sharpening our scientific and technical expertise for the development of our African countries, in: Emmanuel M.P.Edeh edit., The Church of Jesus the Saviour in Africa, Vol. I, Madonna University Press, Elele, Rivers State Nigeria, 2009, pp.438-527).



Thinking about Saint Thomas Aquinas, we remember a holy man, a theologian, a religious and a doctor of the Church have come to realize all the above said that Father John Egbulefu is also following his footsteps in being a theologian, religious and aspiring through theological work to become what appears to be what God has called you to become, a doctor of the Church. My prayer is that God continues to bless Father John Egbulefu to the full and apex to enable him become it. May He crown the effort of Father John Egbulefu with success and above all with that unfailing crown of glory that awaits us in heaven. Be strong for us, we, black Africans in particular, need Father John Egbulefu seriously as that Star of Christ that led the men from the East to Christ In Bethlehem.


Researched by Nchumbonga George Lekelefac, B. Phil., (Mexico); S.T.B., (Rome); J.C.L/M.C.L., (Ottawa), Diploma in English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, German, Dutch; International Language Tutor of English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and German; Doctorandus, University of Münster, Germany; Europe/ US Correspondent of “The Herald Tribune Newspaper” and “The Sun Newspaper”; Independent Ecclesiastical Journalist; Canon Lawyer and Researcher; Founder/ CEO of the “Nchumbonga Lekelefac Institute of Research, Documentation, Language and Culture, USA. Email: nchumbong@yahoo.com




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