Fight against poaching, illegal forest exploitation: Japan donates 16 vehicles to ministry of Forestry and Wildlife

By Doh James Sonkey

Within the framework of the Cameroon-Japan Cooperation, Forestry and Wildlife Minister, Jules Doret Ndongo last August 28, 2024 at the esplanade of Ministerial Building N°2 in Yaounde, chaired the official handing over ceremony of 16 4-wheel drive vehicles from the Japanese Donation within the framework of the implementation of the economic and social development programme. The Japanese Grant Scheme is geared towards consolidating Government’s efforts in the preservation of Forestry in the country.

Minister Jules Doret Ndongo hands key to his collaborator

The Minister expressed Government’s gratitude to the Japanese Government for the gesture. In 2010, Cameroon signed with the European Union a partnership to fight against illegal exploitation of timber, fight against climate change etc.

The Coordinator of the Japan International Cooperation System, JAICA presented the economic and social development programme of Japan. “These vehicles being handed constitute a segment of the programme”, she said.

Representing the Japanese Ambassador at the occasion, the Charge d’Affaires at the Embassy of Japan in Cameroon, Shun Aoki, disclosed that the project cost some FCFA 1.2 billion. He told reporters that, “this is granted for the economic and social development programme by Japan which was signed in 2022. In terms of biodiversity, protecting the forest is a major concern for Japan and Cameroon to combat climate change. Japan has the intention of continuing this programme in the Forestry area as well as in other areas”, he said. He disclosed that Japan has been importing woods from Cameroon for the construction of its edifices.

Minister Jules Doret Ndongo told reporters that, “I am really satisfied to have presided at this important ceremony to handover this special gift from Japan to Cameroon through the Ministry of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development, MINEPAT. As you can see with me, we have 16 4-wheel drive vehicles that will help our field collaborators to carry out our missions on the field. The Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife is an administration that deals daily with the fight against poaching, forest illegal exploitation and to carry out these missions, we need to be present, we need to be where illegal actions take place. And to do so, we have to be in position of materials like those cars.”

The Forestry boss used the occasion once again to express Government’s gratitude to Japan for their donation which will be of great help to the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife.

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