G.SI(ONE) re-launches barcode 617 on all made in Cameroon products


Most of our very small, small and medium sized enterprises are created without the actors having no information about the economic commercial or legal implications of its service to the public and its own life-span.

These are some statements made during the recently organised APIC Seminar at the Chamber of Commerce where the Secretary-General of the Chamber Halidou Bello directly represented the President Hon. Christophe Eken.

Halidou Bello detailed that without such foreknowledge, it has led to the premature mortality rate of many small and medium-sized ventures.

To assure a better lifespan and sustainability of its activities, CEPIC which focuses on the promotion of enterprises, having that same goal as the Chamber of Commerce, jointly collaborated with G.S I who organised the occasion to assure the standards of their products and make them competitive in Cameroon and abroad.

All public stakeholders such as BMN (Bureau des Mises à niveau or Enterprise Upgrating Agency)MINPMEESA, ANOR for ensuring the conformity of quality, quantity and standards of both foreign and made in Cameroon products and consumer associations, joined G.SI whose passion is to promote, ensure the quality, sales within and without, and promote competitivity, visibility and sustainability.

The CEO Fabris Ekeu intimated that their standards will help identify, capture and share information smoothly creating a common language that supports systems and processes across the world. Continuing his presentation to economic actors, he stated that it is important for made in Cameroon products to join the unique international identity card called the 617 bar code (code barre).

The 617 bar code, when stuck on your product tells domestic and international buyers that it is more reliable, more compliant, more competitive and visible at home and abroad.

The entrepreneur will automatically join a community of 2 million businesses in over 150 countries in an ecosystem of 200 million identified products. All these advantages come at an affordable cost of FCFA 10.000. By having the barcode all transactions are automatically digitised.

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