Gov’t declares war against “terrorists” in NW, SW following killing of gendarmes

Government Spokesman and Communication Minister, Issa Tchiroma Bakary has revealed that the government has declared war against “terrorists” in the two Anglophone regions following the killing of three gendarmes in the North West and one in the South West regions.
Minister Tchiroma narrated that all started last November 6, 2017 when Gendarme-major DJONLAY Bienvenu was ambushed and then cold-bloodedly executed by criminals in Jakiri as he, at the request of the Principal of Jakiri Technical High School, came to disperse attackers who were on mission to expel teachers and students from the school campus.
According to Tchiroma, in less than 48 hours another terrorist attack happened on November 7, 2017 at the police-gendarme check point at Bafut when a hooded individual opened fire hitting Chief Warrant Officer, HINMA Dieudonné on the back, before disappearing into thin air.
Few hours later on November 8, 2017, student gendarme, SALI David, commissioned to ensure the security of “Collège Saint-Michel” in the Bayélé neighborhood of Bamenda, was found dead and his Kalashnikov service weapon was carried away, including all the ammunition he had on him. And finally in the night of 9th-10th of November, 2017, YAYA Emmanuel serving with the 22nd motorized Infantry Battalion attached to the 21st Motorized Infantry Brigade Battalion was brutally murdered by another gang of terrorists as he was answering nature’s call while on guard at the bridge linking Cameroon to Nigeria around the locality of AKWEM near Mamfe town, in Manyu Division in the South West Region.
Speaking at a press conference last November 10, 2017 in Yaounde, the Communication Minister insisted that after cajoling its opponents for so long since the crisis broke out, the government will leave no stone unturned this time around to end terrorist activities and restore peace and order in the North West and South West regions.
He sent a warning to the Ambazonia Defence Forces who claimed responsibility for the killing of the gendarmes to get ready to receive Cameroonian Armed Forces who are coming for them.
While presenting President Paul Biya’s condolence message to bereaved families, the Government Spokesman promised that the blood of the military men will not go in vain as government will make sure that Cameroon’s territorial integrity and national unity remain intact.
He disclosed that six suspects; WIRNGO Flavian BONKIKEH 32-year-old; NDZELAMONYUY Livinus WIRASHY alias Livi, 26-year old declared to have killed the gendarme in Jakiri; NJODZEKA Leonard SUILIY, alias ALIOU OUSSAM SYSTEM, 26-year old; WALA Ernest, 21-year old; NGORAN Livinus, alias Livi, 31-year old; and MDZEYUF Raoul alias AGÜERO, 23-year old were arrested with 12 ammunitions of 7.62 millimeters in the Misaje locality, of the Donga Mantung Division of the North West Region, as they attempted to cross the border into neighboring Nigeria.
Also, in reaction to the killings in Mamfe and other security threats in the South West region, the Governor of the South West region, Okalia Bernard Bilai issued and order restricting the circulation of commercial motorbikes and other gun control measures.
Early Sunday morning, security forces are reported to have stormed some villages around Muyuka, including Munyenge, Ekata, Bafia etc, in search of guns. The security forces are said to have been breaking into people’s houses, ransacking them in an attempt to find any illegal stuff.
It is not clear if the security forces succeeded to recover any firearms but reports hold that at least two civilians were killed during the raids

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