Grumbling at the Senate SW loses CPDM leader position SDF propels ‘greenhorn’ as vice president Niat Njifenji re-elected Senate president

After The President of the Republic, Paul Biya who doubles as National President of the ruling Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement, the CPDM party last May 5, 2018 gave the go-ahead to his party to nominate and reelect Marcel Niat Njifenji as President of Cameroon Upper House of Parliament for another 5-years mandate, there seems to be grumblings from both parties on the constitution of the senate bureau..
Muffled voices within the CPDM in the South West region claim to have been short-changed as the CPDM Group majority leader position, hitherto held by former Senator Peter Mafany Musonge was handed to Zang Oyono Calvin from the South Region and Deputy Group leader handed to Mrs. Regina Mundi from the North West region.
Their best bet was on Senator Nfor Tabetando to take up the position of the CPDM majority group leader after PM Musonge. He was however compensated with the role of 2nd Vice President which is considered by many CPDM South West elite as a position wielding little or no influence.
Many CPDM militants, especially from the North West and South West regions were quick to point out, though in hushed tones, that this is another example of marginalization of the Anglophones.
To have completely taken the Senate group leader position from an Anglophone means, Senators from the North West or South West region exert little or no control over the senate.
As a group leader, Nfor Tabetando would have had considerable influence on the party’s decision at the Senate, the position also come with huge benefits.
The SDF on its part fielded what many described as a ‘new comer’ and a greenhorn to the post of 4th Vice president. Many of the old guards fill cheated considering that she beat heavy weights and founding members like Vanigansen Mochiggle to the job.
The reelection of Marcel Niat Njifenji as Senate President came to concretize public speculations that power was not ready to change hands in the Upper House of parliament especially as President Biya reappointed him among Senators in this 2nd legislative period of the House.
According to results proclaimed after the election conducted during a plenary session by the eldest member of the Senate, Fon Victor Mukete, out of the 96 votes casted, Marcel Niat Njifenji obtained an absolute majority with 89 votes against 7 null ones.
There was relative suspense when the election exercise was announced as CPDM Group leader moved up to the rostrum to read out the sealed letter designating their party’s candidate. But the suspense sharply faded away after Niat Njifenji was announced candidate.
Before this stage, the eldest member had checked the quorum and declared it attained thereby paving the way for elections.
Shortly after the voting exercise that lasted for just few minutes, the vote counting exercise was conducted by two officers; one from the CPDM and the second from the SDF party.
Immediately after being declared elected, the incumbent President Marcel Niat Njifenji took over from the eldest member and chaired the election of the first vice President.
Following the election, real business is expected to effectively start at the Senate in this second legislative period under the stewardship of Senator Marcel Niat Njifenji as soon as commissions are set up and members designated.
This is the Senate Bureau members for the 2nd legislature;
Senate Bureau
– President: Marcel Niat
-1st VP: Aboubakaru Abdoulaye
-Vice Presidents:
-Ndiebso Tabetando,
-Genevieve Tjoues,
-Nkeze Emilia,
-Naah Ondoa Sysvestre.
-Abdoulaye W Marava
-Otte Andrew Moffa.
– Hayatou Pierrette,
– Chagall Isaac,
– Obam Assam,
-Moampea Marie Claire,
-Flambeau Ngayap,
-Dakole Diassala,
-Leke Bessongoh Akemefor.

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