Ibrahim Talba Malla expresses satisfaction with public contracts in Limbe


The Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Public Contracts, Ibrahim Talba Malla has expressed satisfaction with the level of execution of public contracts in Limbe.

He made this remarks on Friday, October 6, 2023 after visiting projects in Limbe like the construction work of Ombe Technical High School, visit to the ultramodern VIP ward at Mile I hospital, visit to lock up stores in Limbe old market and low-cost housing at Limbe III.

Ibrahim Talba Malla explained that some projects are very performant others are 50, 50. “We have to prescribe to them to work and send all the documents so that we can have a real situation of some projects” he added.

Minister Delegate at the presidency in charge of public contracts Ibrahim Talba Malla Speaking to the press

He went to say to that when contractors do not give the right situation on the ground to local authorities and the administration they cannot have the actual situation of the project.

“We have to prescribe them to work together with the Divisional and Regional Delegation of MINMAP first and administrative authority”,

“So now we are reminding every stakeholders on what to do, if they don’t follow it next time we take sanction but now we’re sensitizing everyone.” Ibrahim Talba Malla said.

Receiving the Minister Delegate at the Presidency in charge of Public Contracts, Dr. Annereke Nyenti, Director of RHL and his close collaborators expressed joy for receiving minister. He added that the ultramodern VIP ward constructed by SONARA worth close to FCFA 600 million visited by the Minister is very important project for the community.

Dr. Annereke Nyenti explained that the building was delivered in the context of CHAN and AFCON and that the building was accredited by CAF to take care of CAF officials and footballers in case of sick and taken to the hospital.

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