JEN Foundation doles out didactic materials, foodstuff to  orphanages in Limbe II


Limbe-based non-profit organisation known as J.E Nganje Foundation, dubbed JEN Foundation, with aim at touching lives has doled out materials and foodstuff to two orphanages in Limbe II subdivision namely Save the Children Alliance and Cameroon Foster Care Center, CAHECAM.

The colorful event, which took place at Ngeme Hall on Saturday, December 3, 2022 was presided by the representative of the Divisional Officer for Limbe II Subdivision Elsie Nanyongo Ebamu Fotindong.

Nanyongo said the administration is always glad to welcome such initiative. We are happy and say thank you very much, you’re always welcome to Limbe II when need arises.” Nanyongo added.

She told the orphans that “where they are will not define their tomorrow, equally it is not how fast you go in life, but how far you go”. Nanyongo urged the orphans to always believe in God.She appreciated all those who are catering for orphans in Limbe II Subdivision never to stop giving to the orphans. “Never stop giving to the orphans, givers never lack, this initiative you’re doing today, I pray that God gives you long life, wisdom, financial breakthrough among others”. Nanyongo prayed.

Founder/ CEO JEN Foundation, Joseph Nganje addressing the orphans

She however urged other elites of Bimbia in and out of the country to emulate his example to come back and develop the Subdivision.

“Am very impressed, because is rare that we have people who travel out of the country and they decide to come back to give to their community without any ulterior motives”, Nanyongo said.

According to the founder of JEN Foundation, Joseph Nganje, he decided to start with Limbe II Subdivision because. “I started my professional life as a teacher in this Subdivision, and after making it, in life I thought that, I should come and give back to my community” Nganje said.

Beneficiaries pose with donor, Joseph Nganje, rep. Limbe II D.O Elise Nanyongo, Chief, Ngeme and JEN Foundation

Speaking during event, the Founder/ CEO Joseph Efite Nganje said this is second edition of the outreach gesture to commune with the needy, widows and widowers, among others.

He encouraged the orphans that no one can take their destiny from them. He added that the orphans should focus in life and they shall excel.

The two orphanages that made up of 80 orphans, with an estimated budget of 2500 dollars in FCFA(1,561,482,75) Nganje appreciated the Cameroon Embassy USA, GSS Bokwango, executive members of JEN foundation and Noble Brothers and Sisters who stood behind him.

The Chief of Ngeme Village, HRH Chief, said “I am very impressed, because is rare that we have people who travel out of the country and they decide to come back to give to their community without any ulterior motives”.

JEN Foundation is an apolitical, charitable and non-profit organisation. Nganje Foundation is focussed on implementing schemes such as scholarship awards, promotion of local initiatives that can generate wealth and donations to vulnerable groups.

One of the representative of the orphanages, Ivaan Ngale of Save the Children Alliance appreciated JEN Foundation, Limbe City Council and other stakeholders for the assistance they always give. She described the orphans as privileged children instead of unprivileged children because they are always being catered for.

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