Kake II traditional council chair, others arrested for selling Forest Reserve land

Over 300 women from Ekombe and Kake II Bokoko on June 21 staged a protest march over the decision taken by the chairman of the Kake II traditional council to evacuate all those farming within the confines of Southern Bakundu Forest Reserve.
According to these women they have been deprived of their source of livelihood. They lamented that non-elites of their villages have been favoured over them to farm on the reserve on a temporal basis. This, they said, happens upon a payment of a fee to the Chairman of the traditional council.
They also noted that those who could not afford the levy were deprived of the opportunity to farm on the reserve while those already cultivating on the reserve were asked to comply or evacuate the land, The SUN learnt.
Addressing the angry population in a crisis meeting, the SDO for Meme Division Chamberlain Ntou’ou Ndong told the women to continue farming on their plots and cautioned them that they must be aware that anytime the government needs the land they will have to leave.
He was corroborated by Mayor of Kumba I Council, Abel Ebako Ndoh who told reporters that the same agreements have been reached in the past meetings but expressed surprise that individuals will dare to sell state properties.
He further debunked reports that a worker from the Kumba I Council was involved in selling the government reserved land.
Meanwhile, Prince Samuel Mukwelle Ndome an elite of Kake II Bokoko insisted that he has prove of a Kumba I Council official involved in the illegal land deal.
He however feels that the Kake II community should be compensated as part of their contribution for preserving the reserve.
The Meme Divisional Delegate of Forestry and Wildlife, Kenneth Eyong said the Southern Bakundu Forest Reserve is the property of the state and it is through the largess of the government that women are being allowed to farm on the land.
He revealed that the government has invested FCFA 22 million to plant 22,000 trees in 28 hectares of land.
Some of the resolution arrived at the crisis meet, according to the Delegate, include; that Kumba I Council should put in place a forest management committee and henceforth, sanctions loom on any occupant of the said land who fails to protect the trees.
John Besingi, the Traditional Council Chairman of Kake II Bokoko alongside two others were arrested and ferried to the Kumba Central Police Station at the close of the crisis meeting.
Meme SDO ordered for their arrest after several testimonies from protesters that they sold some portions of the Southern Bakundu Forest Reserve to some individuals.
A witness reportedly testified at the crisis meeting that he paid FCFA 6million to Besingi for a portion of the forest reserve.
Meantime investigations have been opened to uncover more culprits and bring them to book.

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