Kumba I Council tops revenue collection in Meme

The Kumba I Council, in the 2018 financial year budgeted the sum of over FCFA 676million, and over FCFA 595million was effectively collected representing a realization rate of 88.05%, thereby making the council the highest in the division in terms of revenue collection.
The statistic was revealed by the Mayor of the Kumba I Council, Abel Ebako Ndoh on Thursday April, 26 at the Kumba I Council chambers during the council’s administrative, management and stores accounts session chaired by the Second Assistant Senior Divisional Officer, 2nd ASDO for Meme Division Hermia Njonje.
Based on the statistics presented by the other councils during their administrative session, the realization of the other four Sub-Divisional Councils has witnessed a great drop as a result of the socio-political crisis in the region.
Mayor Ebako disclosed that the 88.05% realization rate is greater than the realization rate of 44.9% for the year 2017.
The Mayor further revealed that the sum of over FCFA 369million was spent on investment, giving excess revenue over expenditure of over FCFA 226million.
On part, the 2nd ASDO for Meme Division lauded the Mayor and his team for the great realization. The success she attributed to team work.
The administrator said the 88.06% realization is the best recorded by councils in the division. She further called on them not to relent their effort but to continue to make strides in the municipality.
Some projects executed in 2018 include; construction of culvert and road at Mami Martha street, construction of two blocks of classrooms at GPS kumba town group 4, digging of water way behind the district hospital, rehabilitation of roads at timberline and cassava farm and the regular payment of workers’ salaries.

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