Limbe Paramount Chief launches holiday classes, feasts with coronation committee members


The Paramount Chief of Limbe, John Elufa Manga Williams on Thursday July 14, 2022 officially launched free holidays classes in computer, vernacular and skills development organised by the royal traditional council.

The project is in line with the paramount chief’s vision to rekindle the flame of Limbe’s cultural heritage.

The trainees, aged above 8 years, began learning the mentioned courses from July 13 and will end on August 16, 2022.

Speaking to the press, the paramount chief, said the aim is to teach the children proper home training and how to behave in the society in honoring their parents and to be better citizens. He appreciated the facilitators for their sacrifice to train the children.

His Majesty John Elufa Manga Williams urged the trainees to take their studies serious so as to emerge victorious at the end of the one month course of training.

Limbe paramount chief, John Elufa Manga Williams addressing committee members

On Saturday July 16, 2022 the royal chiefdom equally organised a communion meal with all members of the organising committee of the just ended coronation of the Limbe paramount chief.

During the feast the chairman of the organising committee Paul Haddison Luma said before the coronation the paramount chief assembled a team of volunteers to work towards his coronation with various committees working towards the official ceremony to present him to the public within a period of two months.

He explained that within two months they raised a total of FCFA 152,784,859 and spent FCFA 137,577,065 leaving a balance of FCFA 15,207,794 made available to the chiefdom for follow up of small projects as requested by donors to be used to provide facilities that will benefit the community in Limbe municipality as a legacy of the coronation.

On his part, the paramount chief of Limbe John Elufa Manga Williams appreciated all those who facilitated the coronation process and equally appreciated all those who donated financially for the coronation.

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