Limbe paramount stool: John Elufa Manga Williams steps on the throne

By Noela Ebob Bisong & Simon Ndive Kalla
The saga over the highly contested paramount chieftaincy stool of Limbe is finally done and dusted, as John Elufa Manga Williams has been chosen to mount the royal stool of Limbe. He was chosen following the third round of consultative talks yesterday Wednesday, July 11, 2018 at the Limbe City Council hall, Down Beach. The ceremony was chaired by Fako Senior Divisional Officer, Emmanuel Engamba Ledoux.

Fako SDO, Emmanuel Ledoux
Fako SDO, Emmanuel Ledoux

This third and last round of consultative talks followed two previous attempts to give Limbe a paramount ruler, after the passing away of Late Chief Ferguson Bile Manga Williams, 13 years ago. Petitions and counter accusations had been the order of the day over the years amongst three royal families (the Manga Williams, Mokebas and Carrs) which all claimed legitimacy to the Limbe throne, and failure to come to a consensus had left the paramount chieftaincy stool in Limbe vacant all through the period. The choice of John Elufa Manga Williams thus lays to rest any contentions.
As Engamba Ledoux took the rostrum on this historic day, he began by identifying the college of kingmakers and called on them to present their various choices. Some in the full hall might have expected tension to mount and arguments to begin, but to the surprise of many, the kingmakers unanimously got up and stated, through their representative, Chief Ekum of Dikollo village in Bimbia (Limbe III), that they had only one candidate, in the person of John Elufa Manga Williams.

Limbe Paramount Chief-designate, John  Elufa Manga Williams  swears to serve with the fear of God
Limbe Paramount Chief-designate, John Elufa Manga Williams
swears to serve with the fear of God

This pronouncement was greeted with deafening plaudits and ululations from the beaming crowd that turned out to witness the august event. The new paramount chief, dressed in the Bakweri traditional regalia, was ushered out of his seat to face the SDO and his delegation.
Ledoux reminded the new paramount ruler designate that the stool is the property of the entire community and not just the royal families. Reflecting on the bible story in the book of First Samuel where the Israelites demanded for a king, he urged all Limbe dwellers to show maximum respect to the new paramount ruler and give him the much needed support required.
Ledoux stated that the talks had been delayed over the years because they wanted to establish a consensus, and he urged HRH John Manga Williams to work with his brothers, as he reminded him of the role played by his predecessor in collaborating with the administration.
“You cannot work alone. The Paramount Chief of Limbe is one of the most important chieftaincy stools in the entire country. We accept the choice of your community and thus consider you from this moment as the Paramount Chief of Limbe”.
After this pronouncement, HRH John Manga Williams and all those accompanying him, with songs and drum beats, crossed the streets to the nearby Ebenezer Baptist Church, where a brief thanksgiving service was offered.


John  Elufa Manga Williams being led to Ebenezer Baptist Church for thanksgiving prayers shortly after his designation
Pastor Bimi Godlove, drawing inspiration from 1 Samuel 16:1-13, titled his message “Limbe, behold your king!” He described John Manga as a man chosen by God, not by man. Likening him to David who was God’s choice to be Israel’s second king, the pastor said “When God decrees a thing, it must come to pass. Today marks a new beginning in this city, because the Lord’s anointed has been mandated at the helm of the town.”
Anointing oil was poured on the new paramount ruler as he knelt at the altar, and words were spoken over him, such as God’s power, wisdom, grace, humility etc.
When asked his reaction, John Manga just couldn’t find his words “… I can’t find words to say, I feel so strange, I see myself taking a responsibility which only God can give me the power to shoulder. I thank everyone for the confidence bestowed on me; it’s a very heavy burden but with your prayers and support I will succeed”.
Concerning the divisions which still plague his community, the new paramount ruler said: “I have vowed not to hate anybody, but if anyone hates me for any reason, please come to me so that we can settle issues”.

John Elufa Manga Williams
John Elufa Manga Williams

On why the church was his first stop immediately after his coronation, he said “This is where my strength comes from, I rely on wisdom which only God can give, and my legacy as chief cannot be hooked up to any juju”.
Some members of the other two families agreed that John Elufa Manga Williams was the best choice for the Limbe Paramount Chieftaincy stool.
HRH Johnny Manga (as he is fondly called) is a businessman and a retired politician, who lost being Limbe I mayor during the last council elections. He is a descendant of the famous King Manga Williams of Victoria.

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