Limbe Wildlife Centre honoured in Geneva Switzerland

By Mokam Beatrice( UB JMC intern)
Geneva Switzerland Wildlife Law enforcement champions from Ten Countries were recently with the Clark Bavin Wildlife enforcement Award at the 18th meeting last August 20. The animal welfare institute presented prestigious Awards to individuals, Organisations and Agencies that have demonstrated excellence in combating Wildlife crime.

Limbe Wildlife Centre honoured in Geneva Switzerland
Limbe Wildlife Centre honoured in Geneva Switzerland

Limbe Wildlife Center received a 2019 Clark Award for the remarkable efforts the center made to combat Wildlife crime. Maha Ghalie, sub director at the Directorate of Wildlife and protected areas, Ministry of Forestry and Wild life who represented Cameroon at the conference of parties of Cites received the prize on behalf of the Limbe wildlife center.
According to Country Director of the Limbe Wild Life Center, Guillaume LE Flohic, “This is an encouragement for the long term, fruitful collaborative efforts of Pandrillus and the MINFOF over the past 26 years to ensure quality in the management and highest conservation impact of wild life center.” Guillaume also told The SUN “It is a great pleasure to receive the prize but we are not going to relax; rather it gives us the energy to bring very positive impacts for the protection of wild life in Cameroon.”
The assistant Country Director Mbele serge said “Much work is to be done for this protection, we thank the government of Cameroon, the director of Pandrillus , our sponsors ,who helps us for the management ,the local authorities and the population of Limbe. We called upon all upon all Cameroonians to identify themselves on this prize and any individual who care for the protection of wildlife should come together and join hands to protect wild life in Cameroon.”

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