Limbe’s City Mayor, DMO take to streets in COVID-19 awareness campaign

The City Mayor of Limbe, Motanga Andrew Monjimba together with the District Medical Officer (DMO) of Limbe, Dr Constance Ngoni Njie last March 27, 2020, engaged in an awareness campaign on the deadly Coronavirus (COVID-19) which is currently causing havoc across the world.
In a mission to sensitise Limbe denizens on personal and general measures to prevent and combat the pandemic, the duo, in company of LCC staff as well as officials of the District Medical Service stormed the Limbe Main Market (Old and New), Half Mile and the Mile Four Motor Park to educate those in Limbe on the fact that COVID-19 is real.
Motanga Andrew Monjimba told the denizens that far from some lay opinions, the pandemic has nothing to do with politics, but a real danger which all in the city must declare a war against. He beckoned on all not to be negligent but follow all measures put in place by the state for their personal safety.

 Cross-section of Limbe’s city dwellers at ‘Old Market’ listening to sensitisation team
Cross-section of Limbe’s city dwellers at ‘Old Market’ listening to sensitisation team

At the Transportation Parks, the City Mayor spent time appealing to drivers to avoid overloading of vehicles as well as crowding, which are ways of preventing the spread of the virus.
Corroborating the city mayor, Dr Constance Njie took time to explain the cause, symptoms, means of transmission of the virus, measures taken and personal as well as environmental hygienic methods to be followed at all times to stay safe. She also recommended the avoidance of handshake and embraces, avoid gathering and crowded places, avoid spitting carelessly and encouraged social distancing. She discouraged the application of self medication and buying of road-side medication in case of any observed symptoms but to quickly get medical attention.
The two equally demonstrated the use of nose masks, washing of hands with running water regularly, applying hand sanitisers as well as hygienic ways of coughing and sneezing to avoid infections.
Dr Njie maintained that Doctors cannot be everywhere to check possible cases, reason why everyone must remain vigilant and report suspected cases for prompt medical attention because “if even one person gets sick in the city, it means the whole city by extension is sick.”
Shortly after the outdoor campaign, during a press briefing at the LCC, the Director of the Limbe Regional Hospital, Dr Kinge Thompson reiterated the fact that there remain no cure to the COVID-19, prescribing staying at home as the number one solution at the moment.
During the campaign, many a Limbe city dweller were eager to get the message, with some requesting the free donation of nose masks, hand sanitisers etc from the campaign team to help protect selves.

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