Machete- wielding goons attack Meme SDO’s office

The office of the Senior Divisional Officer, SDO for Meme Division was reportedly under attack from men of the underworld in the early hours of Friday, February 16, 2018.
According to our sources, some unidentified persons broke into the office with machetes in search of officers stationed to guard the office.
The Sun learnt that the officers on duty closed the main door leading to the office and placed a chair behind the door then went upstairs.
The alleged assassins who apparently have been staking out the office knew where the officers were positioned. They opened the door and immediately searched for them under the staircase where they thought the officers would be.
Fortunately, the officers were alerted from the sound of the chair which they had earlier placed behind the door.
The officers came down the staircase well armed and the alleged assassins dived into the bushes amidst a barrage of bullets.
After the close call, security has been ramped up at the SDO’s office. Visitors are now well searched before making their way into the office.

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