MAGGI Yelo Peppe is Nestle’s innovative online nutritional education series


World’s leading nutrition company, Nestle through its cherished product, MAGGI has released a series of online unique nutritional education programme dubbed MAGGI Yelo Pèppè to celebrate the contemporary art of African cuisine and promote the mode of safe life.

The 13 weeks programme highlights numerous challenges faced by modern African women while looking for a balanced equation between a nutritive and safe menu for their family and the exigency of modern life.

Before this programme, MAGGI has been inspiring millions of women to use local ingredients to prepare delicious meals for their families thanks to the programme dubbed « caravane des étoiles ».

With the Yelo Pèppè series, MAGGI is adopting a new and innovative way of communicating with its modern consumers who are increasingly looking for online menus.

The relation with their consumers through this dramatic and original series is the latest fashion which MAGGI is using to demonstrate that a safe cuisine can be passionate without compromising the taste.

In order to make the video content accessible online to all especially those in Central and West Africa, MAGGI associated itself with Google/YouTube and collaborated with award winning Ghanaian producer and film director, Shirley Frimpong-Manso.

Nestle officials say Yelo Peppè is the concrete expression of the 4th commitment of MAGGI’s « Simplement bon » programme announced in 2017 calling for the use of familiar and common ingredients to ameliorate nutritional profile of its products while working on the reduction of salt and sodium in addition to the enrichment in iron, create more value for the society and community in increasing local supply and contributing to local economy, and sensitize and contribute in the nutritional education on modes of safe life, cuisine and diet.

Yelo Pèppè is a weekly programme available on MAGGI YouTube channel that will enable spectators to discover a world of supplementary content like African menus, reviews for a better wellbeing, discussion groups on life style and nutritional pieces of advice elaborated in collaboration with best regional influencers and nutritionists of Nestle.

Nestle’s Arts of Cooking Director in Central and West Africa Ltd, Dominique Allier declared that « MAGGI is committed to promote a home and safe cuisine produced thanks to local ingredients. We want to communicate with more than 10 million people on the importance of consuming nutritive food, adopt safe life modes and increase family wellbeing.”



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