Man brutally Killed For Allegedly Lodging Amba Fighters



A man whose name we got as Pa Ketuanze Tangu Phillip is reported to have been brutally murdered by security officers for allegations of lodging what has been termed Ambazonian Fighters. The recent event comes to add to the number of persons roasted in their houses in the North West and South West Region of Cameroon since the escalation of the Anglophone Crisis in 2016. The victim is the owner of an 8 apartment house with many tenants and was accused of keeping terrorists in his house. He was kidnapped and later discovered dead in the bush some days after Before his abduction, he had been arrested a number of times and interrogated at the police and gendarme station. The victim’s wife and his brother had also been arrested sometimes before they went into hiding after their release.

Surviving family members reveal that his son Ketuanze Micheal Teba is somewhere in between Thailand and Canada battling for survival for fear of the unknown back in Cameroon.

The family lawyer, who preferred to remain anonymous due to the manhadlement of lawyers in the beginning of the Anglophone crisis, says the family is going through the most traumatic circumstances anyone would want to find themselves.

As far as Ketuanze Micheal is concerned, the legal advicer of the family cautions him to stay away for some time till the crisis gets to resolution stage. Meanwhile the arrested leaders of the Ambazonian Interim Government are yet to be made public as many fear they too have been killed.

The Cameroon Government had however disclaim that allegation from the very beginning but have failed to show where they are.

In the light of the foregoing, Cameroon’s leading peace crusader and rights promoter, Ntumfor Barrister Nico Halle is on President Biya’s neck, pressing for the release of the detained Anglophones.

The Bar Council General Assembly president, Ntumfor Barrister Nico Halle is reported to have pleaded with the President of the republic to cause him release those incarcerated for some time now.

The legal luminary cum peace crusader is calling on the president of the republic, Paul Biya to use his magnanimity as the guarantor of peace, national unity and national integration to grant amnesty to the detainees and call off the investigation of others so that those who have fled the country and others who are in hiding can return for genuine dialogue on the Anglophone problem to be held.

“Peace is the most precious thing in every nation, that is why I am pleading and praying, as a peace crusader, that the head of state should extend his magnanimity as he has already shown by announcing those salutary measures to the lawyers and teachers and the restoration of internet in the North West and South West regions”, Barrister Nico Halle told The SUN through a telephone interview.

He furthered that the unconditional release of the Anglophone detainees and an end to the crackdown of others who have either left the country or are in hiding will automatically ease the current tension and give room for genuine dialogue that will enhance national unity.

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