Meme Administration strategize measures to curb food scarcity provoked by Anglophone crisis

The devastating consequences of the ongoing socio-political crisis in Meme Division have not only witnessed the loss of lives and destruction of properties, but also scarcity of food stuffs and other basic commodities.
It is against this backdrop that the Senior Divisional Officer, SDO for Meme in a crisis meeting on Friday June 22 with local administrators, heads of services, executives of the various markets and heads of security forces sought ways to control the shortage of food items in this part of the region.
According to Meme SDO, prices of basic commodities have skyrocketed in the market as a result of the crisis. He said his recent findings revealed that one tomato is sold in the market at the sum of FCFA 100, a bottle of cooking gas is sold at FCFA 10,000 instead of FCFA 6,700, the cost price of a bag of rice now ranges from FCFA 20,000 to 25,000, prices of plantains, cocoyam and other commodities have drastically increased because of scarcity.
Meanwhile, items such as fish and meat might run out of supply in the next couple of weeks.
The administrator lamented that the insecurity that business people who buy from other towns to sell in Kumba have been exposed to, has made it difficult for them to continue their activities.
“In the past, it was not difficult because we could easily and safely travel to other towns and regions to purchase goods and sell them in Kumba, but now, business people are scared because most of them have been harassed and molested”, the SDO decried.
The administrator continued that “The other day I travelled to Buea, I discovered that more than 20 trucks have been burnt with goods seized. Those boys are harassing and kidnapping innocent people”, he furthered.
The SDO noted that his Division is facing a challenging period in history. He assured the population of Kumba that the administration is working hard with the forces of law and order to ensure that Kumba is save.
He equally noted that, given the fact that the population of Kumba has drastically increased as a result of the crisis, there is need for constant food supply.
“I together with my collaborators will map out ways to help traders with the transportation of food from other towns to Kumba, since they have complained on inadequate security”, he furthered. Meanwhile the Meme Divisional Delegates for Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Industries and Trade and Commerce promised to continue to sensitize traders not to take advantage of the crisis to skyrocket prices of commodities.
Meme SDO further advised youths who have engaged themselves in the ongoing crisis to resign and hand their guns. He averred that the state is ready to assist them start a new life.
“It is time for me like the father of the division to advised my population, especially the youths who are using guns to kill innocent people to stop and hand their guns to the state…I know that most of them do these things out of drugs. Nobody will arrest them, instead we are there to assist them start a new life”.

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