Meme celebrates election of Senator Otte, promise to crush opposition 2025


It was with pomp, pageantry and fanfare that militants of the Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement, CPDM, of the sections in Meme Division celebrated the 38th Anniversary of what they call the great ruling party in Cameroon on Friday, March 24, 2023.

Celebrated under the theme ” Rejoining, gathering and mobilising behind the National President Paul Biya in full awareness of the challenges and future electoral stakes”, the various sections in Meme this year for the very first time since 2017 due to the crisis celebrated in their various sections but for Meme III in Konye that celebrated at the premises of the Kumba I Council due to fear of the unknown in Konye.

At the Mbonge Marumba headquarters in Mbonge Sub Division, CPDM militants of  Meme II section under Senator Otte Andrew Mofa as CPDM section President, comrades Njimba Hannah Wulu and Ngende Passang as WCPDM and YCPDM section presidents respectively under the watchful eyes of the Divisional Officer DO for Mbonge Otto William II, the militants gave a standing ovation to the National Chairman of the party H.E Paul Biya for the resounding achievements of the party since its creation in 1985 in Bamenda. The Section President Senator Otte Andrew Mofa who was equally celebrated by the militants of the sections who came in their numbers in their respective party regalia, for his brilliant elections into the upper house of parliament during the last March 12 2023 Senatorial elections. The Senator elect, congratulated all the councilors of Mbonge who despite the odds took the courage to come and vote for him in Kumba at the just past election in which he recorded 100%.

Meme IA section President, Hon Tabot Lawson, flanked by the HRH Chief Justice Benjamin Mutanga Itoe, CC CPDM permanent Delegate for Meme, HRH Chief Ekoko Mukete IV ( in hat) the Meme SDO, and the President of the SW Regional Assembly Hon Bakoma Elango cutting the 38th anniversary Cake

Senator Otte Andrew Mofa though regretting the fact that the ongoing crisis has caused much harm than good in the development of the area, thanked the militants for accepting that peace is necessary reason why the turn out at the celebration of their great party was very much unprecedented.

He used the opportunity to call on those in the bushes to lay down their arms and join their peers at home so that they can all together contribute to the development and transformation of their beautiful Sub Division. The Section unanimously renew their fervent and constant support to the Head of State’s vision in making Cameroon a stable, prosperous and emerging nation by 2035.

The Meme II section in Mbonge acknowledged the unshakable commitment of the head of state to improve the living conditions of all Cameroonians as well as fostering a healthy climate of peace and security in Cameroon, the special investment program that includes road connectivity in general and the Kumba- Mbonge- Ekondo – Titi axis in particular and pledged their continuous collaboration with the forces of law and order in general towards the smooth implementation of the construction project  of the said road. The Meme II through their section president saluted the appointment of one of theirs HRH Chief Blessed Okole of Big Bekondo to the prestigious post of Special Adviser to the Prime Minister. The militants of Mbonge equally warmly encouraged and adhered to the peace, security and development of retirees and initiatives of the head of the state that foster harmonous living together among Cameroonians in general and disenclavement  of Mbonge sub division in particular.

In Meme IA Kumba I subdivision, Meme Division, the CPDM party Secretariat was full to capacity with militants from the three sections gathered in their party uniforms. The section President Hon Tabot Lawson Bakia , the City Mayor Gregory Mewanu and Mayor of Kumba I Barrister Eseme Moses received standing ovation for the mobilisation. The militants used the opportunity to count the achievements of the party in Kumba I and took the commitment to equally register a crushing defeat to the opposition in the next coming elections as they did in 2019.

The Section President congratulated the councillors for voting for the party and their lone candidate Senator Otte Andrew Mofa  who recorded a landslide victory in the just released results of the senatorial elections. They praised the government for the many realized projects in Meme, and took time off to herald the government on the on going construction of the Kumba- Ekondo – Titi road.

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