Meme SDO tells journalists to be messengers of peace

The Senior Divisional Officer SDO, for Meme Division Chamberlain Ntou’ou Ndong has in strong terms condemned media practitioners who use doubtful resource persons on their programs. He said these people only end up inciting the population to riot.
The SDO was speaking to the Meme press core on May 16, during a security meeting held in his conference room.
The SDO expressed disgust at what some radio stations say during this crisis period. “Some radio stations are inciting children not to go to school, when their workers had to go to school before becoming journalists.”

Meme SDO, Chamberlain Ntou’ou Ndong
Meme SDO, Chamberlain Ntou’ou Ndong

He noted that the media, being the ‘fourth estate’ should make sure that the population lives in peace instead of inciting them to continue striking. “I need all of us to know that we are messengers of peace”, The SDO noted.
He called on journalists to make use of resource persons who are knowledgeable in a particular field and not any quack that roams around the streets of Kumba. He added that these uniformed resource persons go on air and give opinions on issues they don’t master.
SDO Ntou’ou Ndong also urged journalists to caution their resource persons when they are drifting from the subject matter, so that the population will be the judge and not them telling the population what to do.
Reacting to this, Godwin Njinkang, Journalist with Ocean City Radio Kumba said the reasons why some program presenters are forced to make use of ‘uninformed’ resource persons is because those concerned in the field always refuse to give facts for fear of the unknown.
The journalists further proposed that the SDO should sensitize stakeholders and the population in general to be more receptive when it comes to releasing vital information to the public.
The SDO further revealed that he has adopted the principle of administrative tolerance reasons why some of these media outfits are still operating without a license.

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