Minister Ketcha Courtes mobilis­­es FCFA 100 billion to rehabilitate roads in Yaounde, Douala

The Minister of Housing and Urban Development (MINHDU), Célestin Ketcha Courtes, has announced the release of FCFA 100 billion to finance a project to revive the rehabilitation works of secondary roads in the cities of Yaounde and Douala.
16 neighbourhoods in these two cities are said to be targeted by the first phase of this project which should lead to the rehabilitation of 116,712.5 linear meters of secondary roads.
Concerning the Yaounde phase of the Project, the work will cover a total of 3,188 linear meters. Some of the areas to benefit from the project include the sections that connect the main track Abattoir ETOUDI-Livestock Walk-NKOLMBONG (2 105 ml), the main road building MACABO-Tradex TSINGA ELOBI, (754ml), Brace to the mosque of TSINGA ELOBI (184 ml), the main road Carrefour Jean Vespa-Carrefour FEBE (2836 ml). Also in Yaounde, the work will focus on the rehabilitation of the ESSOS Mosque-Evangelical Church-roundabout terminus Mimboman (1,150 ml), among others

Minister of Housing and Urban Development (MINHDU),  Célestin Ketcha Courtes
Minister of Housing and Urban Development (MINHDU),
Célestin Ketcha Courtes

For Douala, work will focus on the rehabilitation of the United Nations Boulevard (Texaco Nkololoun-Carrefour St. Michel), Bonadouma II, as well as the Ngangue district (3 990 ml), the rehabilitation of the Nyalla-Yassa road and the development of the HYSACAM-Bassa industrial zone and braces (6,720 ml). Also, the project will cover the rehabilitation works of the roads of New Deido, Grand Moulin, Deido and Bonateki (5,055 ml), and the roads of Bonanjo, Bonapriso, Akwa, Bali and Nkongmondo districts (7,350 ml).
In the course of a meeting held last June 26, 2019 at the Emergence Building in Yaounde, Célestine Ketcha Courtes took stock of the work done, while awaiting the completion of the programme.
So far, for Phase I, the rehabilitation of 32,411 ml of roads, the works are “practically and fully completed to date”, Minister Ketcha Courtes noted.
It should be recalled that, the Special Plan was launched in 2015 to facilitate urban mobility in the two Cameroonian capitals.
According to the Minister, the Head of State, committed to improving the living environment of Cameroon, has made the necessary arrangements for the resumption of work by the renewal of the financing agreement of PLANUT with the partner ECOBANK at the level of FCFA 25 billion.

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