Ndian SDO hails Ekondo -Titi council for realising 69% of budget forecast despite crisis

The Senior Divisional Officer (SDO) for Ndian division, Nwafua Lawrence Forwang, has showered praises on the authorities of the Ekondo -Titi Council, for making giant strides in terms of budget realisation which stands at 69.4 %, despite the crisis rocking the North West and South West regions.
The SDO, through his representative, Divisional Officer (D.O) for Ekondo-Titi, Abolo Mathieu, made the observations during the first ordinary session devoted for the examination and adoption of the 2017 administrative, management and stores accounts of the council. The session that took place at the Ekondo Titi council chambers recently saw the presence of all the councillors, a cross section of Traditional Rulers of the council area and chiefs of services of Ekondo Titi Sub Division.
Addressing the councillors, the representative of the SDO observed that he was very impressed by the realisation of the 2017 budget of the Council despite the prevailing situation in the area. Ekondo -Titi Council he remarked stands as the best in the Division in terms of revenue collection and project realisation. He used the opportunity to congratulate the Mayor, Kenneth Nanje and his collaborators especially the Municipal Treasurer and the Secretary General of the Council, for burning the midnight candle to see that the municipality is transformed to a veritable place to live in.
The SDO through his representative hinted that for just his short stay in the Division following his appointment and installation by the Governor of the South West Region some two months ago, he is a satisfied Supervisory Authority of the Council.
The SDO however sent a warning signal to any revenue collector who will be found wanting for corruption and embezzlement.
Going by the statistics as presented by both the Municipal Treasurer and the Council Scribe, of the FCFA 800 million budgeted in 2017 balanced in Revenue and Expenditure, with an increase of FCFA 143,482,803 as special authorisation from the state amounting to FCFA 943,482,803. The total revenue collected stood at FCFA 720,161,075 while expenditure stood at FCFA 606,482,803 with an excess of revenue over expenditure of FCFA 113,632,210 amounting to 52% and 69% realisation respectively.
On his part, the Mayor of the Council, Kenneth Nanje expressed satisfaction for the work done so far in the municipality and expressed optimism that much will be achieved before their present mandate goes to an end.
Lord Mayor Kenneth Nanje while regretting the fact that the former Mayor Mbongo Alfred died in active service some months back after having achieved much in terms of road infrastructure, the realisation of the FCFA 300 million water project and many more, he hinted that, just after few months in office, his team has been able to touch the life’s of many in the municipality especially assistance to school and vulnerable persons. He remained thankful to the Ndian Administration for their constant administrative and Technical advice to see that the Council moves ahead in her development endeavour.

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