Nestlé and the Cameroonian Pediatric Society welcome new pediatric residents

In its 17 years tradition of sponsoring the reception of new pediatric residents in Cameroon, Nestle Cameroon in partnership with the Cameroonian Paediatric Society (SOCAPED) organised last February 18, 2020 at the Yaounde Hilton Hotel, a solemn welcome ceremony for sixteen (16) new pediatric residents (14 women, 2 men) who will have the opportunity to work as Cameroonian pediatricians for the health and well-being of children.
The solemn ceremony was witnessed by the Head of Nutrition at Nestle Institute, Evelyne Kambou, the President of the Cameroonian Association of Residents in Pediatrics (ARPEC), Dr. BEGE Marie-Paule, the Head of Department of Pediatrics at the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of the University of Yaoundé I, Pr. KOKI NDOMBO Paul Olivier, the Secretary General of SOCAPED, Pr. CHELO David, the Director of Family Health at the Ministry of Public Health, Pr. MBU Robinson etc.
In his welcome speech, Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Manager at Nestle for the Central African sub region, Rostand Banzeu explained that “As a food and beverage company, leader in nutrition, health and wellness, our company is present in Cameroon for more than 50 years to enhance the quality of life and contribute to a healthier future for individuals and families. Driven by our purpose we want to help shape a better world and inspire people to live healthier lives. This is how we contribute to society and ensure our long-term success. Our business approach lies in the concept ofcreating shared value. We believe that our company will be successful in the long-term by creating value for both our shareholders and for society as a whole.”
Under the scientific coordination of Pr. Séraphin NGUEFACK, the new residents and their teachers discussed and exchanged on one of the major public health issues in Cameroon: antibiotic resistances, a problem in the Cameroonian context.

Senior pediatricians, lecturers, other officials pose with the 16 pediatric residents
Senior pediatricians, lecturers, other officials
pose with the 16 pediatric residents

At the end of the brainstorming, pediatricians took a firm commitment to fight against malnutrition and chronic diseases that force them to prescribe antibiotics, to sensitise households on the need to keep hygiene at home, to plead with the government to control the importation of drugs etc.
Prof Ndogmo stressed on the need to fight against the anarchical prescription of antibiotics because it exposes the little child to resistance and health hazards.
Rostand Banzeu added that “through Nestlé Nutrition Institute, Nestlé had committed to provide healthcare professionals with first-class information and training on infant nutrition. New residents will be able to benefit from the training offered by the Nestlé Nutrition Institute and thus reinforce the quality of care and nutritional advice for parents and their children. This aims at improving public health indicators in Cameroon in the medium and long term. Because for Nestlé, ensuring better health care for children requires continuous and progressive training for pediatricians and other health care professionals.”
In a special message to the paediatric residents, the Managing Director of Nestlé Cameroun,
Robert HELOU said “I want to welcome once again the new paediatric residents and wish them every success in their future professional careers. Besides, I want them to know that in line with our ambition, Nestlé will continue to work closely with SOCAPED to provide them with recent and updated information and trainings on infant nutrition.”
After baptising the batch as “Overcomers,” their mentor, Prof Mah Evelyn who happens to be one of the first residents to be received 17 years ago stressed that being a resident in paediatric is very challenging but it has been eased by the coming of the information and communication technologies. Our motto should be humility, integrity and quality service because you cannot learn when you are proud. You can only give out quality service if you learn.”
She expressed gratitude to Nestle Cameroon for continuously sponsoring the event each year for 17 years counting.
The spokesperson for paediatric residents, Dr Ngambono Sandrine said they are overwhelmed by the reception offered to them.

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