New dawn in Eyoumojock as Lokombe Vincent Nafongo takes command-Told to be a servant and not a master of the people

The installation ceremony of the New Divisional Officer,D.O for Eyoumojock Sub Division in Manyu Division South West Region, Lokombe Vincent Nafongo, by the Senior Divisional Officer for Manyu, PeterTieh Nde  at the esplanade of the  Eyoumojock  grandstand Friday June 9, 2017 was unprecedented. The dignitaries that turned out at the event from far and near spoke volumes as to the popularity and weight of the man Lokombe Nafongo Vincent, reason why the Mayor for the Eyoumojock Council, Nkom Julius Mpok simply put it as  “ a new dawn  descends in Eyoumojock with the coming of a new D.O”. Amongst the dignitaries that answered present at the ground   breaking event included the former SDO for

New D.O for Eyoumojock Lokombe Nafongo Vincent
New D.O for Eyoumojock Lokombe Nafongo Vincent

Fako, Bona Ebengue Francois, the D.Os  for Tiko, Nguti and Tinto, a powerful delegation from the Limbe City Council led by its Secretary General, Charles Arrey Nkongho, the Batoke Village community led by HRM Chief Otto Molungo and a cross session of Ndian population.
While performing the administrative installation rituals the SDO for Manyu reminded the new DO that he is coming to the most

(L-R) Outgoing D.O Malafa John,Manyu SDO Peter Tieh Nde,incong D.O Lokombe Nafongo Vincent
(L-R) Outgoing D.O Malafa John,Manyu SDO Peter Tieh Nde,incong D.O Lokombe Nafongo Vincent

sensitive administrative  unit in Manyu in particular and South West Region in general reasons  being that  it shares a common boundary with the Federal Republic of Nigeria, thus an inlet for illegal immigrants and contraband goods. The SDO equally reminded the new D.O that as personal representative of the Head of State, he is expected to coordinate and control government action within his jurisdiction, taking into consideration that he is equally the boss of all traditional rulers in the area. The D.O was called upon to solve all boundary disputes rocking the area, help  the people to combat

Teaditional Rulers  of   Eyoumojock
Teaditional Rulers of Eyoumojock

illegal business, illegal exploitation of forest and remind traditional rulers that forest royalties is out of their competence  and its management rest  within the competence of the Mayor.
Taking into consideration that the new D.O Lokombe Nafongo Vincent is taking over office in the heat of the Anglophone Crisis, with civil disobedience taking center stage, the SDO, called on the D.O, to put all mechanism in place to ensure that life returns to normal and ensure that parents send their children back to school.
The SDO took time off to debunk claims that there exists an ‘Eyoumojock Defense Force’ as preached by some ‘extremist’ minds. D.O Lokombe Nafongo Vincent’s attention was equally drawn  to the fact that he should work within the ambit of the law, combat criminality, ensure hygiene and sanitation, and above all be a servant and not master of the people.
The outgoing D.O, Malafa Johnson Mochi received a standing ovation for having in his own way contributed to the transformation of the Sub Division for his  little over 6 years service in the area.

Enter the Mayor.
In is welcome address Mayor Nkom Julius Mpok, hinted that Eyoumojock with a population of about 80,000 inhabitants, 66 villages with 3 clans happens to be very sensitive. Being the 2nd largest Sub Division in Manyu, the Mayor enjoined the new D.O to understand that the people of Eyoumojock are peaceful and law abiding. While agreeing that the turnout of the population is unprecedented, thus ushering in a new dawn in the sub Division, he called on the D.O to be a good judge and embrace objectivity in his administration. The Mayor opined that he shouldn’t be a footballer and a referee at the same moment.
He used the opportunity to call on the population to collaborate with the new D.O so that the image of the area remains the biggest dream. To Malafa Johnson Mochi, the outgoing D.O, the Mayor disclosed that his achievement in the Sub Division cannot be over emphasized. He remained thankful to him that he is leaving the area after having put in his best. Despite some errors which are but normal, the Mayor on behalf of the population wished him well in his new station and that God will lead him from grace to grace.
Nafongo Vincent is a level-headed administrator
D.O Lokombe Nafongo Vincent is a dynamic and level-headed administrator. I see in him, great administrative and managerial skills and thus the people of Eyoumojock should be thankful to the Head of State for sending them such a square peg in a square hole.

-HRM Otto Molungo of Batoke.
We shall lend him maximum support
He is coming to a sensitive administrative unit. From the look of things he is a young and young administrators are dynamic. We shall lend him our maximum support so that we all put hands on deck and transform our area.
-HRM Chief Ayamba Ita of Eyoumojock
I thank the Head of State for my appointment
I remain grateful to the Head of State for my appointment. I pledged to work within the ambit of the Law and be servant not a master. From the Mayors’ speech my administrative unit is very sensitive thus I shall collaborate with the living forces in this administrative in order to succeed.
-New D.O for Eyoumojock, Lokombe Nafongo Vincent.
Lokombe Nafongo Vincent: The Man.
Appointed by Presidential Decree No 2017/239 of 22/05/2017 as New Divisional Officier for Eyoumojock Sub Division to replace Malafa Johnson Mochi who moves to Mamfe Central in same capacity, Lokombe Nafongo Vincent was born in 1974 in Kumba. He did his Primary and secondary Education in Kumba, Meme Division. He later moved to the University of Yaounde where he bagged a Bachelors Degree in History. He wrote and made it at the competitive entrance examination into the National School of Magistracy and Administration, ENAM, Cycle ‘ B’. Upon graduation he served as 2nd ASDO for Fako and later Nkambe. He will go for further studies in Cycle ‘A’ ENAM. Before his appointment as D.O for Eyoumojock Sub Division, he served as 1st ASDO for Fako Division. He is married and a father of 4.

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