Nganou Djoumessi clears way for completion of Douala-Bonepoupa-Yabassi road in 2022

By Martin Njikeng

Compensation of the population, availability of construction materials, protection of water pipeline, displacement of electric poles …., are some of the obstacles faced by companies engaged on the construction of the 95km Douala-Bonepoupa-Yabassi road, whichmust be completed according to government, in 2022.

The minister of Public Works (MINTP), Emmanuel Nganou Djoumessi, therefore paid a working visit to Douala to clean the way for the 95km stretch of road linking Douala and Yabassi (Chief town of Nkam Division), to be completed before the end of 2022.

The minister and team were welcomed by the Governor of the Littoral Region, Ivaha Diboua, traditional authorities, as well as bya joyful population who in several ways, will be benefiting fromthe said road construction project. Thesuccessful assessment visit of the minister stretched from, April18-20, 2022.

Addressing the press in Douala, MINT Boss, revealed how he has instructed construction companies to ensure the protection of 6km water pipeline that belong to Camwater (Cameroon Water Utility Company) and the displacement of electric polls that belong to ENEO,in order to ensure the progress of work on the road as required (The Energy of Cameroon).

He further told how he has addressed BUNS Company to work as a team with the Company ENCOBAT, in order to ensure the availability of gravels for their respective works on the field. The Minister seized the opportunity to congratulate BUNS Company for a noticeable collaboration on the field.

Upon instruction, Governor Ivaha Dibouahad censored all the population whose properties have been affected by the said road project and the numerical values of consequent compensation owed them by the government. “In matters of compensation, the government does not and would not fail the affected population’’, added the governor as he congratulated the population for collaborating with the government for the said road project to move to realization.

According to MINTP, the Douala-Bonepoupa section (45km) shows 72% success rate, while the Bonepoupa-Yabassi section(50km), shows 50% success rate. “ Works on the Douala-Bonepoupa-Yabassi road, must be finished by the end of 2022. The other section linking Yabassi to Loum would be targeted next year’’, concluded the minister.

Last week visit was also meant to evaluate the installation of a deck in metal modular sections carried out by Acrow Corporation USA, over the Bella River on the Elogbatindi-Memel-Bipindi major road, in Ocean Division. The 36.43m bridge, installed over the Bella River, is a steel structure whose bearings and deck installation works are being carried out by the contractor MAPO Ltd.

Besides the visit of the aforementioned works site, the minister equally inspected the Second Wouri Bridge to assess its functionality. A visit to the premises housing the services of the WouriRegional and Divisional Delegations of MINTP, was not left out last week.

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