NW CPDM to use one manifesto for all candidates

Campaigns for the February 9, 2020 twin elections in Cameroon were launched Saturday, January 25, 2020 across the national territory. In the North West, the ruling Cameroon Peoples Democratic Movement CPDM launched theirs at Ayaba Hotel, the most guarded and most secured hotel around the region at about 4:30 PM.
During the close to one hour thirty minutes ceremony, the various heads of committees presented their reports and strategies envisaged to be used for the twin elections campaigns. The communication and information committee headed by Dr. Ngwana plans to use whatsapp groups and social media as key campaign strategy. “Use the content of the special status offered by the head of state to make people see why they should vote the CPDM. Use everyone, do not avoid the press. Use the Newspapers, TV stations, Radio stations and all media platforms. Talk to Njangi groups as well and endeavor to share best practices so that other teams can emulate. If we do all of these things I assure you that the CPDM will win the twin elections without even campaigning” Dr. Ngwana said.
The finance committee headed by Dr. Fuh Calistus Gentry called on militants to bring in their financial support for the party so as to raise the funds necessary to run the campaigns for the twin elections. “Politics and money are bedmates. This is the most defining elections in our country since independence. I cannot imagine how regional councils and governments will be if not managed by the CPDM. In fact it will be a total sham. Do not relent your efforts to bring in your financial support for the party.” Dr Fuh Calistus said.

Former PM Yang, flanked by Senator Regina Mundi (L) and NW Gov. (R)
Former PM Yang, flanked by Senator Regina Mundi (L) and NW Gov. (R)

The regional head of North West CPDM, H.E. Philemon Yang in his key note address said “I wish to sincerely thank the people of the North West for giving peace a chance. Seeing you turn out to this ceremony in your numbers is testimony that peace has a chance. We are on the path to becoming a very peaceful region for even the Bible says blessed are the peace makers.
The forthcoming elections are so important and can be termed the great elections of 2020. We must therefore perform well now so that we can take over the regional governance and perform even better in the regional elections. The CPDM knows peace is a precondition for anything good in the country. A vote therefore for any CPDM candidate is a vote for peace and stability. We want a country with one people and one government.
We are now in the present times, we know the past but we do not know the future. I can assure you that the future is great. We will have more power with the coming of the house of chiefs and house of divisional representatives. Do not listen to anyone in America, do not listen to anyone whose message contradicts that of the head of state. Vote for effective decentralisation, vote for peace, vote for stability” he told his comrades.
The former PM also made mention of the 47 billion francs allocated by government for public investment projects in the North West region as a leverage for CPDM campaigns.
Worth noting is the fact that CPDM has issued a unique manifesto for all their candidates in the entire territory which has diverse development challenges and different candidates all over and with different approaches to development. The manifesto is tailored to voters and presents to them 10 main benefits of the CPDM list, among them: “Guarantee the realisation of Cameroon’s emerging projects and great opportunities programme, purpose for which president Paul Biya was re-elected last year”. The manifesto also presents 10 main reasons to vote for CPDM candidates in the municipal elections, 10 main reasons to vote for CPDM candidates in the legislative elections.
Other dignitaries present at the event were ministers like Doh Jerome, Paul Ghogomo, Felix Mbayu, business magnets like Ngala Gerard, Hon Wallang Richard. The event was also witnessed by North West governor Adolphe Lele L’Afrique.

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