October 1 protestors still being hunted

By Epume Mbowa
A family in Kumba has told The Sun that their Son, Elvis Ntoko Ekwoge is being hunted by security forces for taking part in the September 22 and October 1 demonstrations.
They say security forces have conducted several raids on their family compounds in the day and sometimes in the night in search of their son whom they accuse of being one of the mobilisers of the dual protests in Kumba.
Elvis Ntoko, according to his peers, has been an unrepentant activist who has been clamouring for change and has been fighting against the marginalisation of Anglophone Cameroonians.
His family fears that if arrested, their son may also suffer the fate of several others who have been arrested and are facing charges including hostilities against the fatherland, secession and terrorism, offenses whose jail term ranges from 25 years to life imprisonment or death sentence depending on the circumstances
Many other young activists have since become mute and are hiding, fearing for their lives, leaving families worried. Some have equally been arrested and detained in various detention centers in Cameroon through Administrative detention and reports say they are currently being tortured by security forces.
Government intensified crackdown on Anglophone activist following the two massive demonstrations on September 22 and October 1, 2017 called for by the Southern Cameroon Governing Council to declare a symbolic restoration of the independence of the former British Southern Cameroons
The demonstrations that saw thousands of people empty into the streets of all the thirteen divisions of the English speaking North West and South West regions of Cameroon turned deathly after security forces shot at protesters who were mostly marching with peace plants and chanting freedom songs.
Dozens were reported to have been killed, others severely wounded while hundreds were reported either missing or arrested. Others have gone underground or simply fled the country after the military was unleashed to clampdown on all those involved in the demonstrations.

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