Painful exit: The SUN Newspaper mourns its Editor Elah Geoffrey Mbong died in painful circumstances last Thursday, May 17

The SUN’s Editor, Elah Geoffrey Mbong is no more. Death snatched him in Limbe after he was hit by a maddening commercial motorbike rider between 11pm and midnight, Thursday, May 17, 2018.
Elah was returning from a professional assignment in Douala that fateful night. He was crossing the road in front of the Limbe Regional Hospital at Mile I when Vitalise Epie Mbong, on board the bike hit him.
Elah was rushed to the Limbe Regional Hospital, but nurses on duty could not save his life as he had lost so much blood from a laceration behind his head.
The reckless bike rider, Vitalise Epie Mbong who is a trained welder escaped to Tombel after the act. It was not until the police detained his father that he showed up. He alongside his father is now helping the police in the investigations.

Elah Geoffrey, gone too soon
Elah Geoffrey, gone too soon

Elah Geoffrey joined The SUN Newspaper in December 2006 and worked tirelessly until his death. He grew through the ranks from layout technician to Editor of The SUN Newspaper.
Until his death, he was secretary general of the Limbe Chapter of the Cameroon Association of English Speaking Journalists, CAMASEJ. He was an influential member of several socio-professional groups.
Born on September 17, 1985, Elah holds a Bachelors degree in Law from the University of Dschang among other professional diplomas.
He is survived by his two daughters, family, friends and colleagues.

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