PCC Moderator breaks down as Christians throng Buea court in solidarity, Case adjourned to July 24

By Ikome Christie-NoellaEposi
The moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon, PCC, Rt. Rev. Fonki Samuel Forba couldn’t hide his emotions while addressing Presbyterian Christians who had mobilized en masse to show their leader support and stand by him during the trial that was to take place last Monday June 5, 2017.
Hundreds of Christians had followed the moderator to court, some carrying their bibles and peace plants while chanting church songs. Rev. Fonki while addressing them at the Synod office after the court case had been adjourned for the umpteenth time, broke down in tears in front of a very supportive crowd.
Another crowd of Catholic Christians also showed up for Catholic prelates that were facing a similar suit.
Catholic, Protestant and Baptist religious leaders in the persons of Rt. Rev Fonki Samuel of the PCC, Bishop Cornelius Fontem, George Nkuo, Rev. Dr Ncham Godwill of the CBC and a host of others were dragged to court by the a ‘consortium of parents’ blaming them for the non-resumption of schools in the Anglophone regions of the country. They were also accused of trying to jeopardize national unity and failure to pay the salaries of teachers etc.
The moderator of the PCC commended the Christians for the believe and trust in God Almighty and for the support they have showed him as their moderator. “Fellow Christians, we thank God for his grace upon us all. You all are not here because of Fonki Samuel; you are here because your leader is Jesus Christ.” The moderator said.
Reverend Fonki also told his Christians that, in situations such as the one they are going through, one can only turn to God who is seated on the throne and he will never let anyone down.
“This is the beginning of victory in the lives of all Presbyterians and all Cameroonians because we serve a God who is victorious”. He reiterated.
Quoting an example from a story about the difference between an eagle and a chick, the moderator advised his Christians to fly above the skies like an eagle and possess their possessions. He told the Christians that, they are eagles and so they need to fly far above the skies, far above their problems. “Do not allow anyone to cheat you of your rights as a Presbyterian or as a Christian. We are more than conquerors and when God be for us, no one can be against us” he concluded.
The PCC communication secretary, Rev Mokoko Thomas equally appreciated the efforts of all Christians who turned out in their numbers to stand behind the moderator in such trying times. He noted that that, the non-appearance of the civil parties and the late appearance of their council sitting in for their main council was one of the main reasons why the court case was adjourned to July 24.
Rev Mokoko equally thanked their lead barrister, Etta Besong alongside all the other lawyers involved for their relentless efforts in ensuring that the devil be put to shame. He called on all Presbyterian Christians to remain steadfast, very prayerful in such trying moments and to avoid any form of temptation.
Equally thanking the Christians for their support was the Synod clerk of the PCC, Rev Babila Charles. About 50 Presbyterian pastors reported present to show their support for their spiritual leader.
Due to tight security at both court entrances in Buea, the Christians were not allowed into the court reasons why they began chanting songs of praise and victory which they claim will soon be theirs. The moderator advised everyone to avoid confrontations because the times are really difficult.
If found guilty the religious leaders will be expected to pay CFA Francs150 billion to incur special and general damages.

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