Presidential Plan for Reconstruction and Development: Steering Committee Chair satisfied with effective realization of projects

– Applauds Beneficiary Populations for embracing the projects in their communities

By Ikome Christie-Noella Eposi in Buea

Geared towards the intensification of the level of appropriation of the Presidential plan, improve the synergy of action and strengthen its 2023 implementation strategy, the Director of Cabinet at the Prime Minister’s office/ President of the PPRD Steering Committee, Minister Balungeli Confiance Ebune has expressed huge satisfaction for the high execution rate of projects in the region.

He was speaking during a working visit last Wednesday, March 22, 2023 in Buea. The PPRD Steering Committee head used the occasion to applaud the project beneficiaries for embracing the development projects in their respective communities. Henoted that the population of the South West region are the main actors of the implementation of the Presidential Plan for the development of their own region.

“We are here to make an evaluation of the work done so far within the context of the presidential plan. The presidential plan is an off shoot of the Major National Dialogue and today I am very satisfied with the mission that the Prime Minister instructed me to do, go round and inspect and report. I wish to thank the various stakeholders for what they have done so far. I also heard from a good number of beneficiaries who were so thankful to the head of state for the realization thus far”. Minister Balungeli told the press.

Minister Balungeli and team inspects some realized projects in the region

“After this we are going back to the drawing board, we shall submit our reports and the Prime Minister will give further orientations. One of the major reasons of this mission was not only to do an evaluation but also for the population, the beneficiary populations to be at the forefront, to appropriate these projects because it is some sort of a bottom-top approach for them. It was not so at the inception but today we see the enthusiasm, the satisfaction of the beneficiaries. A good number of the projects we visited have been realized and a few others are still in the pipeline”. He continued.

The PPRD Chair noted that the communities expressed some concerns and corrections were made. “Since some of the projects are within the contractual terms in terms of guarantee, I think the corrections will be done as soon as possible”.

The Minister Director of Cabinet equally seized the opportunity to call on those in the bushes still holding arms to drop them and join in the nation building process. “They have a contribution to make and I think they are wasting their lives and future in the bushes and on social media terrorizing their own very population”

The working session which witnessed the presence of traditional rulers and development stakeholders in the region featured the presentation of the projects executed in the SWR from 2021 up to December 2022 and presenting a fact sheet of projects to be visited was the UNDP resident representative, Ivo Lysinge who stated that 94 projects have been implemented across the 3 pillars; 27 under restoration of livelihood, 46 under rehabilitation of infrastructure and 21 to enhance social cohesion. He added that during the period under review, 21 schools, 13 health facilities and 12 water points have been rehabilitated and reconstructed. In total 403 farmers in Tombel and Bangem have been supported while 27 cooperatives have benefited from the development of the pilot agro pastoral projects in Mamfe, Muyuka and Mbonge. The plan has also rehabilitated a market in Wabane, supported 20 startups, 10 tech startups and construction of 0 greenhouses.

It is important to note that the Presidential Plan for the Reconstruction and Development of the NW/SW was created in order to restore peace and improve the living conditions of the populations of the crisis hit regions. Some of the project areas visited during the field visit includes; the Fako Empowerment Platform in Buea, Gratitude Islamic School, Sasse College, Wotutu and Ewongo water-catchments and the Bakingili integrated health centre.

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