Prophet Frank says they’ll compete in 2019 local elections

Prophet Ndifor Frankline Afanwi, presidential candidate in the 2018 election has in a press conference at his party headquarters in Bonaberi, Saturday March 23, said they are brazing up for the 2019 municipal, legislative and regional elections to take place later this year and any future elections in the nation.
The Chairman of the Cameroon National Citizen Movement, CNCM and man of God, as he likes to be called, assured Cameroonians that his party is waxing stronger than any time before because of the experience had during his maiden entry into politics, and of course, the rich lessons learnt. The man of God is known to have attracted more leaders of Christian denomination who see his manifesto as a role model and are ready to provide him with irreversible and unlimited support throughout the struggle to change the nation for the better.

Prophet Ndifor Franklin Afanwi, CNCM National Chairman
Prophet Ndifor Franklin Afanwi, CNCM National Chairman

The former presidential Candidate, in a high-pitched voice, condemned acts of recriminations and violence stating that anybody or groups of persons perpetrating war, tribalism and things like that need spiritual healing to be extricated from such nefarious acts “Anybody trying to bring war, promoting tribalism or trying to pull down Cameroon should not be encouraged because after the destruction, reconstruction will be very expensive. Instead the therapy is to make Cameroon grow”.
In some of the many questions from the press as to why he went under and became very silent after the last presidential election results, Prophet who is now towards 40 argued that it is not like nothing happened to him or across the State but after all considerations put together, for now, the incumbent president remains the man at the helm. He continued that the regime has faded out and they are still very young and they are ready to bring new blood in the system. For other press men who wanted to know that if he was sent by God why did he not win, Prophet said he loved that question and answered citing the story of David “He was chosen by God, but it took some time before he became King”, he replied. The party has bounced back again, he added.

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