Reduce voting age in Cameroon to 18 years

By George Ngeke Likiye

From the 26th of May 1990 when the SDF Party was launched in Bamenda to start the journey of the struggle for freedom and democracy in Cameroon, the Party has not negated from its fundamental objectives. After over twenty five years of its existence, the SDF Party is trotting on its Mission to the Cameroon people despite the aggressive stand of the Cameroon government that has failed to embrace change and see the good intentions of the SDF Party in Cameroon. From various perspectives, the SDF Party has fought tooth and nail to enhance the democratic process in Cameroon through genuine democratic change from the ballot box but the Cameroon government and its political Party the CPDM has often seen the SDF as an enemy instead of a real true democratic Party that is interested to foster political development and ensure true economic and economic survival through sound economic policies to drive the Nation forward.

In Cameroon, the youth represent about 60% of the population and this age percentage is less than twenty years old. Whereas the voting age is put at 20 years of age. Article 2(3) of the 1996 constitution of Cameroon states that “the vote shall be equal and secret, and every citizen aged between (20) years and above shall be entitled to vote” From an estimated population of 24 million people, the median voting age should be put at 18 years. But in Cameroon the voting age is politically maneuvered and put at 20 years old. Cameroon is one of the few inix HOT PLAY

George Ngeke Likiye

Countries in the world that still puts the voting age at 20 years. Paradoxically, criminal responsibility in Cameroon is placed at the age of 18 years. Election observers in the country have to be at least 18 years old, but at 18 years a youth cannot vote and be voted for. The Cameroon government allows young people to get married at the age of 18 years. National Identity cards are established for young people at the age of 18 years. Young people to be recruited in the public service have to be at least 18 years old. Section 123 of the labor code of Cameroon allows 18 years old workers to vote in Corporations and Enterprises where they work to elect their labor representatives but they are not allowed to vote in national elections. Young people in Cameroon are recruited in the military at the age of 18 years, but they are not allowed to vote at the age of 18 years old in National elections to elect leaders in the country. Tax burdens are put at the age of 18 years whereas to own land in Cameroon a young person at the age of 18 years cannot own land and apply for a land certificate.

In Cameroon, the CPDM led government exposes the extra-ordinary burden of war and death on its youth by letting them be recruited in the military at the age of 18 years but refuses to grant then the full citizenship and representation especially in sensitive areas like the right to vote. The government empowers “The Gun and not the Ballot” among its youth. When the voting age is brought down to the age of 18 years, we will see a major participation of the youth in elections with the Ballots in their hands to effect the change they deserve. But with this marginalization of the youths in elections, we see voter apathy, refusal of the youth even by those of 20 years and above to take part in elections because majority oftheir peers are refused to vote because of this age discrimination. And the Youths HOT PLare not pleased with this form of governance because their votes doare often stolen through massive rigging of elections. Whereas on election days in some places, young people below voting ages are paid to stuff ballot boxes in favor of a particular political party. In the history of this country Cameroon at the moment through the insistence of the SDF Party, there is an emergence of political awareness within the young people. At 18 years old young people in Cameroon are better equipped intellectually, physically and emotionally and can vote to elect the Leaders they want to usher in a new democratic voter movement to effect the much needed leadership Change in the country right now that has become urgent! The convention on the Rights of the Child recognizes a child as any one less than the age of 18 years. In Cameroon the CPDM led government that cannot distinguish between their Party and the Government often skillfully maneuvers during election time with its outfit ELECAM that has been strategically put in place to rig elections for the CPDM regime by gerrymandering with this age scenario. That is why a new electoral threshold should be explored right now by all political Actors to unanimously agree to put the voting age at 18 years old. In this way voter turnout would be high. There will be great and popular legitimacy in the Leaders who will be elected into public offices. Youth development in participatory democracy will be enhanced and the Youth will be given the opportunity for them to show idealism, activism, vigor and energy and will take up leadership positions in the country through elections to replace their grand parents who are still holding offices while they young people retire early without having worked. This will further encourage the participation of young people in political decision making, instill civic values and encourage the government to have more commitment towards the Youth to be on the same footing with other African countries that have made great progress on the inclusiveness of the youth in firliyalHOTss and life. And this is what the SDF Party is clamoring for!!

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