The relationship between sports women & tourism


In the 19th Century, women participated primarily in the “new” games, such as Golf, Lawn Tennis cycling, hockey etc. But now, (women) are involved at the Professional/International levels in games like Football, Handball, Basketball, Rugby, Cricket, Athletics and other rare domains of Sport Activities.This has helped to bring them to the time light.
There are three key aspects involved in this union of Sports, Women and Tourism.
1) Sports highlight Democracy: This notion of democracy is seen as an inclusive political phenomenon where everybody comes in and has the right to participate.
2) The aspect of Training is also important; for a woman to be productive in sports, she must be well trained in her area of specialty. This is a trait that requires commitment and discipline. This is the discipline that makes her renown.
3) The dynamism of the women folk is also a major Pointer here. The fact that a woman can participate and succeed in Sports despite her traditional role in the society helps to bring out her agility, smartness and dynamism.

The role of sports icons in the promotion of tourism

Tourism and Sports are interrelated and complementary. This is because Sports as a professional, amateur or leisure activity involves a considerable amount of travelling to play and compete in different Destinations and Countries.
Major sporting events e.g. World Cup, Olympic Games, Football championships etc. have become powerful Tourism attractions in themselves; making a very positive contribution to the Tourism image of the host Destination.
In likewise, prominent (Sport) players can be used as Ambassadors to highlight the Tourist Potentials of a particular Destination.
In event Management, people scout for Sponsors to finance their activities (these players) can as well be used as sponsors in image – building, e.g. we can talk of Cameroon as the Country of “Roger MILLA”, “ETO Fils”, “Enganamouette”, Sarah Etonge, Ngwang Yvonne etc.
They are our ambassadors due to their talents and contributions in the image of the country through Sports. They have nothing to do with the diplomatic Corps.
We just need to harness the politics of marketing and communication to achieve this goal.
How can the effective management of a sports event help to promote a tourist destination?
Once a sports event is well managed, it will leave a legacy for the host country and long-lasting memories.
In order to succeed, the Sports Event has to be branded and popularised like a “Tourism event” and most often the legacy could be seen in the Sustainability in Economic Growth. E.g. in Countries like Japan, China, Germany, South-Africa, Brazil etc. the Sports event improved on their Tourism Sector and left an impressive legacy.

Steps of effective sports management for tourism promotion

i) Proper selection of key actors charged with the organisation, functioning and management of the event as much as possible.
ii) Minimise the grip of non – experts on the functioning/functionality of the event as much as possible.
iii) The dynamism of Sports can contribute in Tourism promotion. Generally, Tourism as a concept is “Static”. It is the quality of the events, policies, surrounding the event that is dynamic. If in Cameroon, for instance, the Male/Female Athletes of the Mt Cameroon Race of Hope earn the same trophy, awards and amount – it is the policy that can make the event to move, and attract more participants etc. If other Partners join the State to take the event to another level, it will move, it can be National or International Partners… They will also help in Tourism Promotion. For instance, in the 2019 Mt Cameroon Race of Hope, the Prize for the second winner in both the male and female Categories was increased subsequently
iv) To promote destination through sports, everybody should be brought on board: It is not only the responsibility of the State.

Generally, in Sports Tourism, there are two categories of actors:

i) AA’s (i.e. Active Actors): expert in Sports event Management
ii) PA’s (i.e. Passive Actors) “Spectators” majority of women fall in the 2nd category
– Spectators are out the ring of Management
– Out of the ring of Decision – making
– Out of the ring of Coordination
– Out of the ring of play.
(The Active and/Passive nature of Sports Tourism has to do with the Number of Spectators involved; as well as the Quality of Spectators involved).

The Millennium Development Goals

1) Eradicate Extreme poverty and hunger
2) Achieve universal Primary Education
3) Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women
4) Reduce child mortality
5) Improve maternal Health
6) Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and other Diseases
7) Ensure Environmental Sustainability
8) Global partnership for Development

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