Road to The Senate: Much ado about incumbents

Road to The Senate:

Much ado about old guards

  • CPDM scribe’s directives on rejuvenation rubbished
  • Incumbents’ list holds sway in SW as threats to life, fisticuffs, betrayals, finger-pointing rattle process
  • Eno Chris fires Sir Humphrey Monono for non-inclusion in list but the latter says he can’t be dragged into…
  • Rosine Toto’s challenge against Senator Fonderson falls flat
  • NW CPDM militants protest as former Senator Emma Lafon heads list
  • SDF puts in list in NW hoping for another dramatic victory though controlling only one council

By Norbert Binde Wasso

Threats to life, back-stabbing, fights, betrayals, tension and protests characterized the compilation of candidates’ lists for the March 12 Senatorial elections especially within the ranks of the ruling party, the Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement, CPDM.

The delegations sent to the regions to receive files and build lists had very hard times mediating for consensus lists. Stories of threats to the lives of delegation members are renting the air though The SUN has not been able to independently confirm these allegations.

Even more dramatic has been the quarrels between delegation members like the alleged open fight between the deputy secretary at the presidency, Elung Paul Che and former minister Ngole Ngole Elvis. Overwhelmed by the situation, it seems the commission headed by former Prime Minister and Preident of the Bilingualism Commission, Peter Mafany Musonge, decided to carry the two lists to Yaounde for the Central Committee to decide.

Information reaching The SUN is that the CC wasn’t too happy that one of the lists headed by Sir Humphrey Monono crossed the Mungo because it had to be rejected at the level of Buea since it was incomplete. In the end the list of the incumbents led bySenate Vice President, Chief Tabetando comprising Andrew OtteMofa, Charles Mbella Moki, Papi Fonderson, Grace Ntube, Mme Anki and a candidate from Lebialem is the one that was deposited at the ELECAM headquarters on Saturday evening.

Wrangling in Monono’s list

Though widely reported that Sir Monono and Eno Chris Oben were championing the second list, it came as a surprise to many when Eno Chris Oben’s name wasn’t on the list. Eno Chris was Alternate to Nfor Tabetando but decided to break ranks in order to mount a challenge. Eno chris has since gone open explaining why he was elbowed out of the list. He writes “At the beginning of December 2022 I called Sir Humphrey Monono to find out if he was interested in running for the upcoming Senate election.We agreed to meet that same evening for a discussion.We reached a common resolve to form a list of 7 substantives and 7 Alternates for the election.The next day I left for Yaounde where I met and had a positive discussion with Nkunde Ewanoge, an interested candidate from Kupe Muanenguba. Then I got through to Kwo Caven Nnoko Mbele from Meme Division who readily came on board. So in a few days after I had the initial discussion with Sir Humphrey, I put together a group of four list members representing Manyu, Fako, KM and Meme; a major step forward toward the constitution of a complete list”.

He continues “during the first meeting of the list members (attended by 3 of the list members, viz Fako, Manyu, Meme) we gave Sir Humphrey the task of sourcing possible candidatures from Ndian, Lebialem and the second Fako list member. The second meeting of list members was then scheduled for Saturday 21st January. Great was my surprise when I was already sitting in the meeting to see Mr. Nchafu Mbiwan and Abey Napoleon walk in and take up seats. They had clearly been invited by Sir Humphrey. An agenda prepared for the meeting by Sir Humphrey had as one of the items “The Manyu Problem”. The Problem turned out to be how to choose the Manyu candidate from the three present. Mr. Nchafu, Abey Nappleon and I stepped away from the group to talk among ourselves. Mr. Mbiwan withdrew leaving Abey and myself. It did not take long for the discussion to run into a deadlock. So we took the deadlock to the arbitration of Sir Humphrey. Immediately we resumed Sir Humphrey’s first statement was “Chris is out. Chris cannot be on the list because he is from Upper Banyang sub Division which already has a Minister and a Parliamentarian. Upper Banyang cannot be allowed to take everything in Manyu.”


Chris’s analysis

Assuming there is “a Manyu Problem” has Sir Humphrey from Fako a mandate to resolve it? The words of Sir Humphrey were clearly a repetition of what he had been told before the meeting. So, the arrival of two other candidates from Manyu, the side talks, the deadlock and its resolution were all phases of a planned conspiracy to get me out of the race”.

According to Eno Chris, the outgoing Senator from Manyu is the sole beneficiary of this conspiracy. “Given the disruptive, abrasive, quarrelsome disposition of Abey Napoleon it is most unlikely that where there are two lists in competition. Abey cannot be chosen over the outgoing elected Senator of Manyu Division. Same with Mr. Mbiwan Mbiwan who will have a serious problem with his record of service to the party. Therefore, my eviction from the list I initiated and helped significantly to build opens a boulevard for the outgoing elected Senator for Manyu to cruise back to the Senate in April. My bid has failed and once again I have learnt a lesson of the world of politics. Whether winning, whether losing, I remain steadfast and dedicated to my party, the CPDM”

Sir Humphrey Monono waters down Eno Chris’s tirade

The SUN newspaper got to Sir Humphrey Monono on phone to react to Eno Chris’s reactions. He was very reluctant to react. He barely told The SUN that he asked Chris to continue writing since he knows how to write. He intimated that Chris had instructions from Minister Mengot on what to do which he didn’t and is putting all the blames on him. He refused to comment further on the issue.

The publication of directives by the Secretary General of the CPDM Central Committee for lists to have in most cases been brushed aside as many argued that CPDM internal rules cannot supercede the electoral code.

As for the noises emanating from Tiko, especially the Mungo area led by the former mayor Rosine Toto who petitioned the Central Committee on the frivolous ground that Senator Papi Fonderson is not from Tiko and that Tiko needs a representation, this was thrown out and it was noted that she is not from Tiko even though married to a Tiko-born.

Old guards staging come back in NW

It’s petitions galore in the North West where we have been reliably informed that the CPDM list comprises Emma Lafon, Dingha Ignatius, Sanji Joe, Grace Chiangeh, Nji Fidelis and one other. Fon Teche’s list was simply rejected. Most CPDM militants are crying foul that but for Joe Sanji and Chiangeh Grace, the others are people who have been either to the Senate and National assembly or held prominent state functions but delivered very little to the population.

SDF banking on protest votes

Resentment within the CPDM in the North West maybe one reason why the SDF decided to put in a list despite being in control of only one council. Another reason maybe another dramatic rejection of the CPDM list. For now, the SDF has very slim chances of having Senators. The SDF list which is headed by one of the Senate Vice Presidents, Mochiggle Vanigansen also comprises, Buh Sule Tegha, Ajuoh Ngam Honore, Kinyang Nyang Georges, Amboufei Diana, Bunyui Nyugap, Emmanuel and Mafogho Inusa. A noticeable absence is that of former vice President Nkezeh Emilia.

The CPDM scribe’s directives insist on the renewal of the political class. If this is followed to the letter then one expects a fully rejuvenated Senate come April 2023. However, shall this also apply to those appointed and the leadership of the Senate?

It is no secret that The Senate is almost paralysed because of ailing leadership both at the level of the presidency and even the general secretariat.

The infighting is fiercer within the CPDM because going by the 2020 municipal elections and if there are no surreptitious rejection of its lists, the CPDM is sure to win nine out of the ten regions. Only Adamawa may escape its grip due to the National Union for Democracy and Progress, NUDP’s, very strong showing there in 2020.

SDF torn between participating or not

For the Social Democratic Front, SDF, as we went to press, the party was still torn between taking part in the elections or not. While it has taken part in the past two Senate elections and has been present in the past two Senate legislatures, critics posit that the SDF can only take seats back in the Senate either through the magnanimity of the CPDM where through some back door negotiations, CPDM lists are rejected, or through President Biya’s discretion through appointments.

While in 2018 the SDF fought and genuinely its seven seats in the North West Region, its 14 seats won in 2013 was due largely to the rejection of CPDM lists in the West and Adamawa. The CPDM which had majority councilors in these two regions rallied for the SDF against the CDU and NUDP respectively. While SDF critics say this was open collusion between the CPDM and SDF, inside sources within the SDF say they merely benefitted from CPDM infighting and amateurism in compiling their lists.

With barely one council in the whole of the North West, one in the Littoral and none in the other regions, the SDF shall have a hard time convincing the population why it is going for the elections when it has zero chances especially with outspoken MP Honourable Nintcheu openly calling for a boycott of the elections.

It should be noted that the MRC has already said it is not going for the elections while many of the presidential majority political parties are already bracing up to take part.

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