Sanctions await wayward Meme media practitioners

It has come to the notice of all media practitioners in Meme Division that the practice of the noble profession is gradually losing its nobility. The ethics of the profession which includes that of investigative and balance reporting has completely been abandoned. Journalists from various media outlets practicing in Meme appear for coverage in “un ethical” attire, thus making the entire corp a laughing stock.
It is against this backdrop that Meme media practitioners in a brainstorming conclave, Friday November 1, 2019 at the conference room of the Meme Divisional Delegation of Communication under the distinguished patronage of the Meme Divisional Delegate for Communication, Ebane Kome Slessor, though represented by her close collaborator Keyna Metuge Nyake, took the bull by the horns to say No to such wayward practice and announced that heavy sanctions shall be meted on media practitioners who don’t live up to expectation.
Addressing participants at the meeting, the representative of the Meme Divisional Delegate for Communication hinted that the delegation, just like members of the public who rely on journalists for first-hand information have been taken aback to observe that, despite the risky nature of their job, journalists still feel comfortable when their stories are biased, and the scrambling for “gombo” being their main objective on the field.
Metuge Nyake opined that the rate of backbiting and in-house fighting amongst the journalists is a cause for concern. Her observation equally received the backing of the Vice National President of the Cameroon Association of English Speaking Journalists, CAMASEJ, Larry Esong who added that the situation is very embarrassing and that things must change for the betterment of the profession and the time is now. Equally on the floor for debate was about the security of journalists who cover most often than not administrative events and are harassed for biased reporting. It was resolved that in order to work hitch free in such conditions, the administration should always organise a pre-meeting coverage especially in this very challenging moment in the two restive regions and equally provide maximum security for journalists.
Another aspect that was handled during the conclave was that of shabby appearance in the line of duty. Meme Media practitioners resolved that any reporter who appears shabbily in the line of duty shall face the consequences as colleagues will stand up like one man and chase the individual away, for the profession is noble and journalists are supposed to be exemplary.
In order to foster togetherness, shun backstabbing and be each other’s keeper, the journalists separated from the gathering with the creation of a Press Club where in journalists will be meeting bi-monthly for an auto-critique of their reports in their various news organs.

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