SDF is for a winning Cameroon and not for a winning individual – Hon Joshua Osih

By Doh James Sonkey

The National Chairman of the opposition Social Democratic Front, SDF party, Hon Joshua Osih has declared that “the SDF is for a winning Cameroon and not for a winning individual.” He made the declaration while chairing the National Executive Committee meeting last February 17, 2024 at the party’s Centre Regional Secretariat at Olezoa in Yaounde.

Hon Joshua Osih Nabangi in his opening remarks requested for a minute of silence in memory of late militants like the Mbamayo District Chairman and others who have lost their lives in the socio-political crisis in the North West and South West regions and in the Boko Haram atrocities in the Far North region.

SDF National Chairman, Hon Joshua Osih talking to reporters as party officials look on

He thanked members for the implantation of the party Nationwide. “Everything we do in this party is aimed at going in for elections.”

Reporters sought to know from the SDF National Chairman, Hon Joshua Osih what the position of his party when it comes to coalition in Cameroon ahead of any election and he responded that “You are asking me to tell you about an evident reality in the SDF. Well, the SDF has been able to organize coalitions around it since 1990 and it has been part of coalitions every time that has to happen. We sincerely believe that where Cameroon stands today, we need to seriously work towards implementing or pushing an agenda for a political transition in Cameroon that is inclusive to all the actors and not running after a coalition so that one actor wins. We are struggling to assemble everybody to make sure that the only outcome that can save this country is a political transition.”

The SDF National Chairman further explained that “we are at a turning point and just as when you drive a car you have to be very cautious and very serious when you take a bad turn and that is exactly where Cameroon is right now. But, we are looking forward to put proposals on the table that can be as inclusive as possible to usher in our country towards a political transition.”

The NEC meeting was used as an opportunity to assess the implementation of Resolutions of the 10th ordinary convention, 2024 budget, national action plan, political transition, fuel prices increase, social unrest in the education and transport sectors, eroding purchasing power, insecurity (Nkambe bomb blast) etc.


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