SDF senators rubbish Niat Njifenji’s European Parliament condemnation

By Sah Terence Animbom & Atia Tilarious Azohnwi

-Niat Njifenji has simply spoken his opinion and that of CPDM- Senator Mochigle
-It is a one-man-show-Senator Kemende
Following the recent release by the European parliament denouncing the numerous cases of human right abuses and the trying of civilians in military tribunals instead of civil courts and calling on the government of Cameroon to immediately and unconditionally release opposition party leader Maurice Kamto of the CRM party and his followers etc, the upper house of parliament, in a communiqué accusing the EU parliament of unfounded allegations, has sparked controversy in the Senate and in the political atmosphere in Cameroon.
While some CPDM senators and top party members say the communiqué was single handedly prepared by some few individuals and signed by senate president Marcel Niat Njifenji, the SDF senators from the north west further attest to this claim from another angle.
Senator Mochigle, SDF senator for Mezam in an interview with The SUN Newspaper on Sunday less than 24 hours after the supposed senate declaration, says it is ridiculous for the senate president and his CPDM friends to claim to be reacting to a communiqué on an issue that they have vehemently refused to discuss in the senate both in plenary and in-camera. “They have refused to listen to those of us who come from the field and directly from the affected area, so how can they address something they know nothing about?” he questioned.

Marcel Niat Njifenji
Marcel Niat Njifenji

“Niat has the right to say whatever he likes; after all it is simply his position and that of the CPDM”, Senator Mochigle stated.
He said it was however not his place to declare the position of the SDF on the issue but said they will definitely sit as a group to study the statement of the EU and that of parliament before coming out with an official statement.
His colleague, Senator Barrister Kemende Henry Gamsey talking has criticized the Senate President, for failing to consult the SDF party in the assembly’s outing on the European Parliament’s Resolutions. The firebrand Barrister cum Senator for Ngoketunjia describes this action by senate president as part of government’s strategy to continue abusing power by monopolizing the National Assembly and now the senate as they are doing.
He further describes the move by Niat as a “one-man-show” and criticized him for responding to the European Parliament resolution on Cameroon on behalf of the senate without consulting the assembly. Kemende thinks Niat ought to have convened an extra-ordinary session of the Senate to deliberate on a possible response regarding the European Parliament resolution 2019/2691(RSP) on Cameroon.
Meanwhile the Legal luminary appreciated the European Parliament, on their stand but lamented on the fact that no effective action has been taken. As a means to pressure government’s handling of the Anglophone crisis, the outspoken Senator has suggested that the European Parliament gives the Biya regime an ultimatum to tackle the situation.

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