Senator Andrew Mofa assists displaced persons in Meme West

By Daniela Neba Ngum
Senator Questor Andrew Otte Mofa has extended a hand of solidarity to the hundreds of displaced persons from Konye and Mbonge Sub-Divisions who now reside in Kumba on temporal basis. The gifts of over 40 bags of rice, salt, maggi and soap were shared on Tuesday June 26, among the displaced persons.
Talking to some inhabitants of these localities, they expressed joy with the timely arrival of the items. They said it is coming at a time when most of them have difficulties obtaining food items and catering for their families in a strange town.
One Anderson Mutanga from Konye thanked the Senator for thinking about them during this difficult moment of their life and prayed for more assistance from other influential elites. He was corroborated by another displaced person from Mofako Bekondo in Mbonge Sub-Division who equally thanked the Senator for his kind gesture. He noted that the items will assist his family to put food on their table for a couple of days.
He however lamented that life in Kumba has not been an easy one given the increased number of people he now carters for and the increase in the price of basic commodities.
‘Before, I used to carter for six people, but now, I have 12 people to take care of. It is not really easy to take care of this number of people given the price increase of most commodities’, he said. ‘I thank the Senator for always thinking about his people, we hope that other influential elites will copy his example’, he furthered.
Apart from assistance from churches and humanitarian bodies, the Senator’s gifs are the first ever received by displaced persons in Kumba from an elite of the Sub-Division since the beginning of the crisis.

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