Senator Tabetando wades in to unite CPDM Fako 1A, IV sections


Militants of the Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement, CPDM, in Fako I A Section, have been drilled on the structures and functioning of their political party.

This was during a working session and a training seminar which was held on Saturday, July 27, 2024 in Limbe, by the South West Permanent Regional Delegation at the Central Committee of the CPDM.

Bigwigs of the CPDM party at the high table, a cross-section of militants paying keen attention, Sen. Tabetando greeting some party militants

The session which was chaired by the Head of the South West Permanent Regional Delegation headed by Senator Nfor Tabetando Ndiep, had in attendance the Minister of Secondary Education Prof Nalova Lyonga amongst other CPDM militants.

Senator Nfor Tabetando Ndiep, in the course of the session reiterated that the training was prompted due to miss-interpretations of the party’s constitution.

“CPDM is a party that is well established and governed by a text, the constitution of the party and in that constitution we have spelled out periods when sections hold their meetings and so forth.

Senator Nfor Tabetando addressing militants of Fako I A

“We have come because there were issues. We have to train our militants about the text; they were mixed up about interpretation of who is a section president, who is the leader of the party within a section, what’s the position of the mayor or a City mayor… they got this clear and we educated them”, he stated.

Tabetando also emphasised that the meeting was convened to update their electoral register. “Political consultations are around the corner and we want to be sure that our voting capacity is maintained if not enhanced”.

The militants of Fako I A Section were equally schooled on the domain of discipline and how to raise funds for their political party.

In this light, the Head of the South West Permanent Regional Delegation, disclosed that the session was also carried out to settle misunderstandings amongst the militants.

Interim Fako I A Section president, Makaka Williams speaking

“We have heard them draw attention to their misunderstandings or misquoted because elections are in the corner; certainly they are trying to exhibit their vision for certain positions in future which is not strange and which shows the democratic measure that we are preaching in our party” Tabetando said.

The militants of CPDM are expected to become united so as to consolidate their position as the ruling party in the country. This can only be achieved through the power of unity.

Cross section of dignitaries
during event in Limbe

In his welcome address, the interim president of Fako IA,  Makaka Williams appreciated hierarchy for sending the delegation to impart on them the knowledge and directives that they so much desire in Fako I A. He added that the timing of the visit speaks volumes.

Makaka pleaded for addition of two subsections in Fako IA, that is Busumbu and Meveo village subsections respectively.

He revealed that Fako IA has registered 10542 members in the electoral register to vote come the presidential election in 2025.

Makaka Williams urged subsection presidents to redouble their efforts and get more registered voters and put aside their differences and work for the goal of the party.

Bury your hatchets, remain united and be pacesetters

-Tabetando tells militants of CPDM Fako IV

The Representative of the Head of the South West Permanent Regional Delegation of the Central Committee of the CPDM, Chief Tabetando Ndiep Nso has told militants of CPDM Fako IV to bury their hatchets, remain united and be the pacesetters. He was speaking at the Tiko Council hall on Friday, July 26, 2024 during a training seminar and working session organised for the militants of the Section.

The training seminar and working session which was chaired by Senator Tabetando had in attendance the Minister of Secondary Education, Prof. Nalova Lyonga, CDC’s General Manager, Members of Parliament and other bigwigs of the party in Fako IV.

Highlighting the objectives of the working session, Senator Tabetando said, “Hierarchy delegated me to remind you all of the ethics of the party and the need to scrupulously respect party procedures, rules and regulations. The objectives of this working session are to inculcate into the grass root militants, the lessons and message of appeasement, love, unity and loyalty, to instill a sense of discipline, responsibility, respect for hierarchy etc, to consolidate unity and willingness to work together by the officials and militants of each of the sections and to evaluate and ensure that the current exercise to register voters massively is going on.

He urged militants to mend broken walls and forge ahead in unity. “If bridges were broken within yourselves, they should be reconnected. Bury your hatchets, remain united and be the pacesetters”.

The Section President for CPDM Fako IV, Honourable Andrew Efite in his intervention added that the training seminar and working session is very timely as it creates an avenue for frank collaboration and brings light to unite party militants in the face of challenges ahead. “This seminar is to better enable militants understand the functioning of the party. This is equally an opportunity to take a forward-looking glance towards future challenges especially with consolidating our status as the ruling party. We must put ourselves in party order, cohesion and discipline in order to win the elections transparently and successfully. Our victory will come as a result of our preparation and anticipation on the ground”.

He stated that the working session will rekindle the flame of the militancy of CPDM Fako IV. He called on all militants to bury all differences and remain focused on party activities so as to overcome the challenges ahead. “It is time for us to unite ourselves and give no room for division. Our challenge in Fako IV is to stay united and speak with one voice”. He encouraged all to continue getting voters to register massively in the electoral register.

The Mayor of the Tiko Council, Chief Peter Ikome Mesoso III noted that CPDM Fako IV is one and indivisible. He encouraged militants to continue to work together as one so as to keep the party’s flag flying high.

Talking to the press, Chief Tabetando said, “We came here to educate our militants and put them alert to be active on the field and still win the hearts of people and tell them that we (CPDM) is there to deliver the good tidings, carryout developmental projects for them etc. We have urged them to be prepared amidst the challenges and strive for the best.”

He said, “I am happy and confident because the militants of this section have assured me that everything is now fine, nothing negative is going to happen and Tiko is going to wax strong and stronger” he concluded.

Painting a picture of how ready Fako IV is in terms of voters’ registration, the Section President, Efite Andrew admitted that his section has 18 sub-sections and the section is well over 40,000 registered voters. “From January, we’ve registered 3,900 voters. There is no house without difficulties and we are not excluded but I am certain that everything is fine now and we shall use the one month left for registration to get more voters on board”.

Militants raised complains such as the unavailability of a secretariat (office space) for the Section, an issue which the Mayor of the Council opted to work together with the Section President to see that it is resolved.

The militants of the CPDM Fako IV at the close of the session and in their motion of support pledged to consolidate the party’s victory through unity and togetherness. They resolved to work as a team, bringing all on board to secure a victory for the party.

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