This senseless war: For just how long?

It has been proven in a number of cases that most, if not all reactions to certain situations that are founded on emotions usually end up in flames. This is more so in the option of war. The two world wars are typical examples of what has been left behind as a legacy of misery on mankind. A legacy which necessitated the grouping of some concerned nations which was to be christened the League of Nations, whose vision was focused on how to address the aftermath of what the war turned out to be.
In assessing its own ability to actually face the challenges ahead, this body transformed into what today has become known as the United Nations Organisation. But whether or not mankind has benefited from this new world order, in order to live in harmony and absolute peace, remains intriguing perhaps even to those who must have proposed the formations of this body. Today mankind has been subjected to all sorts of dehumanization, provoked by the option of senseless wars. Today the war in Syria is a regrettable human disaster that only seems to baffle the world without coming anywhere near a solution. Let us name only this particular case of Syria for now.
And without pretending to hide the truth, there are many bewildering crisis situations on the African continent. Right here at our door steps, we are in the heat of one of the most senseless wars which has produced a very serious human disaster in the two English speaking regions of the country, involving the loss of lives, the burning down of whole villages, people fleeing to neighbouring countries, and creating a situation of internally displace people.

We obviously consider this kind of development as unfortunate. We say unfortunate on account of what the country is going through, and has only succeeded in stripping us of our pride as a nation that, from the very beginning, we have been seen and admired, basking under the sunshine of a people who have adored peace virtually as a culture, or a way of life. A people who have all along been acknowledged as hospitable and have coexisted amicably regardless of our various ethnic backgrounds.
We have always insisted that the situation we are facing today should not have been allowed to degenerate to this level. Every right thinking person has thought it the same, leaning on the only option of a genuine and inclusive dialogue. We do not want to conclude that the situation has proven itself that there are many who fell comfortable with the crisis dragging on for as long as possible, particularly as it is targeted against a particular group of Cameroonians. We are even more reluctant to look at the human suffering of the people of these two regions as genocide in its infant stage. We are only worried about the way this declared war is being executed and the kind of consideration that is being given not only to the lives of the people, but also to the economy of these two regions.
The fresh negative developments to this crisis is that the Cameroon Development Corporation CDC, and PAMOL, considered as the two giant Agro-industrial concerns of the South West region, are at the verge of crumbling, in the process of which hundreds of thousands of workers may lose their jobs. This is indeed bad news. Similarly in the North West Region, which has not been blessed with many or even big enterprises, is already suffering the impact of the closure of about 20 enterprises in Bamenda, resulting in the loss of at least 1.000 jobs. This is also not good news at all.
The bad thing here is that, while the ordinary people of these two regions are suffering this hardship rather innocently, it becomes even more and more intriguing about who, between the government forces and the ‘’Ambazonian Defense forces’’ are perpetuation the killings, the burning of villages etc. Perhaps more disturbing is the silence on the side of government, the international community and even the United Nations, as well as Britain in particular, who should now pretend that they are not aware of the true facts of the crisis in Cameroon. The United Nations and Britain were fully involved from the beginning. Why are they shying away from the truth at this critical moment when their voices ought to be heard loud and clear. Their silence certainly does not speak well of them. Let every effort be mobilized to put to end this senseless war, which has only one solution, namely: a political solution not a military option.

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