SOBA UK questions Prof. Ngwafor’s legitimacy

By Atia Tilarious Azohnwi
A July 12, 2018 press release signed by John Bawak and Ayuk Akoh-Arrey on behalf of the United Kingdom Chapter of the Sasse Old Boys Association, SOBA UK has opened another page into the crisis currently plaguing the respected alumni association.
Akoh-Arrey and Bawak who respectively claim the SOBA UK office of President and Secretary General say the recent elections organized by the UK splinter SOBA UK members on the instructions of Prof. Ephraim Ngwafor, President General of SOBA has nothing to do with the “legitimate SOBA UK entity that has been operating for the past 48 years in the United Kingdom”.
The press release is captioned, “SOBA UK clarifies its management team and says Professor Ephraim Ngwafor has no legitimacy”. In it, the duo write that: “the outcome of the elections organised by the Splinter group and under the unprecedented orders of an overseas person(s) has no UK constitutional backing. SOBA UK is confirming that these recent elections and Professor Ephraim Ngwafor’s dubious endorsement of the results as a means to rebuild his own shattered legitimacy in SOBA is null and void.”
They go on to question that legitimacy of Professor Ngwafor who is in his second term as SOBA President General.
“We have noted that Professor Ephraim Ngwafor’s legitimacy as president general ended on 4th March 2018 when a Revival General Assembly held as a result of his failure to hold a general assembly meeting in 4 years or to render financial accountability and other issues raised. These issues remain unresolved to date.”
SOBA UK, Bawak and Akoh-Arrey write, is advising members of the public and Sobans worldwide to disregard any individuals purporting to be the Executive of SOBA UK who are not listed herein. For the avoidance of doubt, we confirm that SOBA UK’s Executive remains as follows:
Ayuk Akoh-Arrey – President
Bime Lafon -Vice President
John Bawak – Secretary General
Babangida Usamatu – Assistant Secretary General
Batey Tako- Financial Secretary
Dennis Angafor – Assistant Financial Secretary
Franklin Egbe – Executive Treasurer
Their release reads: “The SOBA UK Executive wishes to clarify that the SOBA UK programme for the rest of 2018 continues as planned. The SOBA UK Events team are delighted to announce that the Annual Residential Convention will be held on 21st to 23rd September 2018 at one of Britain’s most prestigious venues.
“In 2014 SOBA UK made a contribution of £2,600 to support the 75th Anniversary celebrations in Cameroon and many members attended the event at St Joseph’s College, Sasse.
“The alma mater, St Joseph’s College Sasse remains dear to Sobans in the UK and that is why the Sasse Sick Bay project was initiated and implemented by SOBA UK with nearly £18,000 spent from the coffers of SOBA UK.
“An MOU was put in place in December of 2014 between SOBA UK and the Bishop of the Diocese of Buea, which would have allowed significant funds to be injected to complete the project but was sabotaged by Professor Ephraim Ngwafor.
“In 2016, the SOBA UK General Assembly regrettably voted to withdraw from the Sickbay project, which has since then collapsed with Professor Ngwafor failing to either show the merits of his actions on the MOU or complete the project. SOBA UK remains open to showing goodwill to the alma mater.”
See reactions of Prof. Ngwafor and Barrister Kameni on page 12.

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