South West CPDM jumpstarts preps ahead of local elections

By Ikome Christie-Noella Eposi
The head of the South West CPDM Regional Delegation, H.E Peter Mafany Musonge has called on all party militants in the South west region to wake up from slumber and ensure victory in the upcoming Municipal, Legislative and Regional elections.
The rise-up call was made recently in Buea during a CPDM Central Committee Regional Training seminar involving all party militants in the South west region; MP’s, Senators, Mayors, Traditional rulers etc
It should be noted that such meetings are held frequently to remind the militants of their role of getting actively involved in upcoming elections.
Explaining the raison d’etre of the meeting, H.E Peter Mafany said, “The meeting is aimed at answering the following questions; How many are registered and helping others register with the electoral registrars? How disciplined are we and are we seriously gearing up for the upcoming elections?
“Providing answers to the aforementioned questions will put us on victory’s path. We all have demonstrated a true spirit of militancy and love for the party and if this participation had to be evaluated, I would not hesitate to award “A” grades to everyone.
He pleaded that the exercise serves as a catalyst to make the CPDM party more robust.
Talking to the press at the close of meeting, the regional CPDM boss stressed on the need for militants to do everything to ensure success in the elections “We have to get ready for the elections and that is why we met here today to encourage our people and let them know that they have to continue to work.
Our victory during last year’s Presidential elections is not a guarantee for us to go to sleep. This is a continuous fight and so we need to put in all our efforts. Let us continue to pray and work for peace to return to the North West and South west regions of our country. The young people in the bushes should lay down their arms and join build our fatherland”. Peter Mafany Musonge indicated.
According to Senator Mbella Moki Charles, “South westerners are not partners to defeat and this time is that which I consider the finest hour in the political life of our region, I do believe that we are going to do what it takes to merit the confidence that the head of state has extended to the South west region.
In that way, we shall reach out with a message of appeasement, comfort, forgiveness and one that should address the concerns of our people to ensure that they see, reason and work with us as a way of registering the much needed victory that is intended to accompany the head of state in multiplying his trust and confidence to the people of the South west region in the areas of providing jobs for our youth, equitably distributing the national cake that was baked by south westerners as well so that it reaches out to the needy populations of the South West region”. He stated
We humbly condemn acts of vandalism, Kidnappings for ransoms and arsons on the facilities of the Kumba district hospital, we also vehemently condemn all attempts by partisans of anti-democratic shortcuts who in their quest to hamper the peace and stability of our country have resorted to slander, Uphold peace and dialogue as invaluable implements for sustainable development by continuously undertaking peaceful efforts with all the people of Cameroon which will enable all to move forward in unity and diversity.
It is important to note that later this year; it is expected for Municipal, Legislative and Regional elections to take place in the various regions of the country reasons why the South West region has begun preparations for the elections. It is also important to note that this is the going to be the first time regional elections would be taking place in the region all in a bit to ensure that the decentralization process takes effect in the region.

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